chapter eleven

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Jeongguk twists himself under the maroon silk sheets, feeling them slip down his bare body to pool around his waist. He props himself up on his elbow, still panting a little as he catches his breath and wipes away his sweaty fringe from sticking into his eyes. Watching agma from across the other mans big bedroom, the one he'd been confined in for the past few days. He'd have been bored dull of the four walls by now if it weren't for the man that owned them — keeping jeongguk constantly entertained. Well, distracted, anyway.

Jeongguk watches agmas broad, dark skinned back flex under the red lighting, illuminating all pretty and smooth if not for the long claw marks down his back, matching the path Jeongguks nails had traveled just a few minutes prior. Agma never stayed after they did — whatever it was that they did. Jeongguk hated it, he was always prone to clinginess after sex, but it was something he rarely got to divulge in. Agma told him that if they cuddled every time after sex then it would make it less special when they did. Jeongguk believed him. Except that they'd never cuddled after sex. The most Jeongguk would get was a kiss on his temple or a slap on the ass. Jeongguk didn't mind.

Or told himself that, anyway.

He'd just have to wait for it. Earn it, he supposed. Agma didn't give out affection easily, but he was already more affectionate with Jeongguk than any of the other succubi. Something the others hated him for. So Jeongguk could be happy with that, for now, at least.

But it didn't stop him from wanting it.

Agma didn't even kiss him while they fucked.

Didn't really kiss him at all, actually,

Jeongguk watches the other demon throw back on his fancy, black detailed shirt, covering up his back and making Jeongguk pout. Jeongguks tail curls around his bicep as he sits up, throwing his still shaking legs over the side of the bed and standing wobbly to his feet. Once Jeongguks close enough he wraps his arms around agmas toned, chiseled waist,
placing his head between the mans shoulder blades because that's the highest his head can reach.

"Jeon, let go,"

"Why do you have to leave so quick? I hate being here alone." Jeongguk says petulantly, whines as agma removes his arms to turn around to face him.

Jeongguk tilts his head back to be able to look at the other demon better, dark tanned skin glistening in the red and pink lighting staring back. Brown cat-like eyes set in gold with hints of green, and full, plush lips. Jeongguk loved agmas long, dark eyelashes and sharp jawline the best though — especially when he fluttered them all pretty when Jeongguk was riding him, or clenched his jaw tightly when Jeongguk swivelled his hips just right. Agma was the prettiest demon Jeongguk had ever seen, especially now that he'd cut his hair to a short, dark brown buzz close to his scalp. Agmas lips curled back over his brilliantly white teeth, and Jeongguk snaps a little out of the daze the other mans beauty sometimes puts him in.

"I'll be back soon. Entertain yourself while I'm gone and then we can go again, alright?" Agma replies, doing up his dress shirt and then smoothing down the collar. Jeongguk pouts, did agma think all he did was fuck and fuck and fuck? That he had nothing better to do then sit and wait around for it?

Well, that's what he'd been doing for the past few days. Basically being agmas personal little blow up doll, so he supposed that wouldn't be an unfair assumption for the other to have made.

"What if I wanted to go out?" Jeongguk says, just to say it, because maybe if he riled agma up enough he'd stay.

Agmas smile drops into a frown. Eyebrows furrowing and big hand coming up to cup Jeongguks chin, then he squeezes a little and it's painful, but Jeongguk doesn't tell him to stop. "What if I didn't want you to?"

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