chapter twenty-nine

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Jeongguk peels his eyes open, blinking a little as the faintly orange, early morning sun burns into his irises. His vision is blurry for a moment, and the first thing he sees is black bedding (not his bed then, his bedding was grey) and then, as his vision clears a little more, his eyes land on the soft slope of a nose — very close to his own face.

He should startle and move back, but the memories from earlier that morning (he assumes) flood back, and he's staring instead. He rarely got to be this close to yoongi, the other was like a music studio dwelling cryptid who scowled when anyone got to close to his face. This was a rarity, and one (even despite the less than ideal circumstances that was the reason for them being this close) that Jeongguk was going to take full advantage of. Well, if by full advantage he means staring at the other openly without getting an awkward look from the other in return, then that was what he was going to do.

Jeongguk can't help it, really, yoongi just looked so cute in his sleep. Face relaxed, furrow between his brows gone and jaw unclenched, totally content. Another rarity for yoongi.

Jeongguk shuffles closer until their noses are lightly brushing, his heart stuttering in his chest as he traces the pale, unblemished skin of yoongis rounded cheek, a little puffy from sleep but gleaming from the light streaming in through the crack of the others curtains. Fluttering eyelashes rested atop heavy bags under his eyes, Jeongguks gut clenches with the guilt of stealing yoongis much needed sleep away earlier. His eyes travel to yoongis dark brows, shadowing his eyes, and then to his forehead, partially exposed from his fringe falling on the pillow below him, looking so soft that Jeongguk has to force himself not to reach out and card his fingers through the strands. His hair was getting long at the back, and Jeongguk found that incredibly endearing.

Jeongguk sucks in a breath when his eyes land on yoongis lips. Cupid's bow shadowed, parted ever so slightly, Jeongguk could feel yoongis soft breath ghosting against his own mouth, and he licks his lips to feel it better.

They'd slept in the same bed together before, of course they had. Jeongguk had a reputation pre debut and after for sneaking into their beds at night for them to wake up with him next to them come morning — not abnormal. They all did it. Jeongguk had even woken one morning to yoongis face shoved in the space between his shoulder blades, arm slung lazily around his waist — and it had never been weird. Sure it had made his heart palpitate whenever he snuggled with any of them, would skip a beat or two or three, but that was fine. Normal. It had only started being not normal before all this had started, months ago, when suddenly the normal feelings of attraction (lust) that Jeongguk had been used to feeling had morphed into something more and he'd decided to stop sneaking into their rooms at night to save himself the inevitable hurt that being that close to them and not being able to do anything about it would bring.

But now, after these few weeks of them all getting closer, of taehyung and Jimin and Namjoon initiating (and sometimes Jeongguk, too) the skinship again, Jeongguk realised how much he'd missed it.

Especially now. It had been so long, with yoongi. So long. This quiet comfort was not refundable anymore, Jeongguk realises as he watches yoongis lips smack, he'd never be able to give this up again.

Jeongguk wants to kiss yoongi. Aches with it like he's never before. He was so close, just a nudge and a tilt back of his head and his lips would brush Yoongis and — no.

If Jeongguk was going to kiss yoongi, it was going to be while the other was awake.

Jeongguk moves back, Yoongis breath leaves Jeongguks lips, he settled back into the much colder pillow and closes his eyes again. Maybe it's not too late to go back to sleep. If he just listens to his hyungs breathing he's sure he can do it.

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