chapter nineteen

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Jeongguk was exhausted, after getting little sleep the night before, going to dance practice for twelve hours and then staying in vocals for another two (coupled with the fact that Namjoon had in fact been right about the couch and Jeongguks back was aching for wholly different reasons than he'd expected, despite his quite honestly extraordinary refractory period) Jeongguk was almost falling asleep atop his glass of beer. Given to him by byeol, who had told him he just needed some alcohol in his system to get him going.

It hadn't worked.

In fact, the warm burning of the shitty Japanese beer (kinda like warm milk, Jeongguk muses blearily) and the deep, reverberating bass of the clubs speakers were almost acting as a  lullaby. A loud, teeth chattering lullaby, but a  lullaby nonetheless.

"Dude you have got to be the worlds  shittiest succubus, you know that?"

Jeongguk cracks an eye open he hadn't even realised he'd shut, turning to the side to see sanghoon draped lazily over  the bars counter, pink hair gleaming almost neon against the fluorescent lasers lighting the club up in sharp hues of blue and red.

"I haven't done this in a while, okay?" Jeongguk yells over the loud music blaring from all corners, hardly able to even hear himself talk over it all. "My body needs time to catch up, I'm not used to it yet. Give it a  couple days, max, and then I'll be back to normal,"

Sanghoon shrugs, knocking back a shot placed down on the bar next to Jeongguk that Jeongguk had elected to ignore before in favour of trying to keep his eyes  open instead. To obviously no prevail. "Let's hope so, cause you look like you're about to fall asleep into your beers froth,"

Jeongguk scowls, sitting up a litttle straighter and then chugging what's left of his beer  in one go, slamming it  back down on the counter with a bang that gets lost in the bass. Smacking his lips, Jeongguk tries to smirk. "All good, just needed a drink,"

"Told you so!" Byeol suddenly yells, appearing next to sanghoon and looking considerably more drunk than the both of them combined. Hair a mess, now bleach blonde and sweaty, clinging to her nape. Somehow she pulled it off though, also managing to make the hickies on her neck look like fashion statements and not just ugly bruises as well — Jeongguk wishes he knew how she did it. The ones painting his neck had been laboriously covered, he'd never be able to pull them off without looking gross like she did so effortlessly. Maybe it was confidence. Despite his nature, Jeongguk didn't really have a lot of that. "But hey, jeon, that guy over there's been sending you free shots for like an hour and you haven't even noticed dude, he's been like totally staring at you this whole time and you haven't even looked in his direction. Go over there!"

Jeongguk sneaks a peak to where byeol nudges her head. Spotting the man she means is easy, as he's already staring at Jeongguk from the other side of the bar. Dark eyes gleaming and shadowed under the rapid neon lights, big and bulky and tall, with a glass  of whisky held haphazardly in his hand. Jeongguk doesn't bother trying to get a better  look at him. He's good looking and not inebriated — that's enough.

Byeol hits him and Jeongguk hisses, bringing a hand up to rub at his arm. "What are you waiting for — Cupid? Go!"

Jeongguk sighs, takes a shot standing next to the one sanghoon had just downed, and gets off his chair.

One down, four to go.

Jeongguk would say he's surprised this time when he gets home later that night to his friends all sitting the dining table — waiting for him. Despite the fact it's four in the morning, and also despite the fact they had a full day of practice planned the next day, too. But he isn't surprised, something like this was something Jeongguk expected of them (even if it was dumb and impractical and too sweet for words) he was just confused. Even their kindness to make  sure Jeongguk gets back okay or their willingness  to stay up until he does just to be sure, should have  been ruled out by their professionalism, right? Knowing that jeongguk was an adult and not a kid anymore, knowing they needed to be well rested for the packed day ahead, all of this should have meant they'd gone to sleep anyway. Maybe shoot him a text, perhaps even allocate certain days for each of them to stay up and wait for him like Namjoon had  the day before if they were feeling extra anxious about it — but Jeongguk hadn't expected for all of them to stay up and wait for him. Especially not until four in the morning. Especially on a work day, a practice day, especially not now.

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