chapter twelve

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This isn't the best chapter, sorry.

Jeongguk sits there for a few solid minutes, just thinking. Mulling everything over as best he could. As best he could wasn't good enough though, it seemed. Because as much as he tried to consolidate another path to go down, tried to come up with another solution — he couldn't. He'd been being dramatic, again. Because really, logically, the only option Jeongguk had was to come clean and hope his friends would let him eat their sex words to save a bunch of peoples lives.

Jesus, what a strange fucking predicament to be in.

They'd have found out, anyway. Jeongguk rolls sanghoons words around in his head and can't find it within himself to really disagree. Even if Jeongguk didn't like it — it was what had to be done. But still the idea of telling his friends he was a succubus, was terrifying. He didn't want to lose the only people he'd really, truly cared for (other than sanghoon and byeol, of course), and he didn't want them to see him any differently than they did now. But sacrifices had to be made, and while it made him physically ill to think about, there wasn't anything else Jeongguk could think to do.

He was a simple person, and this was a simple solution.

Should be simple, anyway.

I'm going to have to figure out a way to fuck five people a day for a week or two, because there's no way they're going to agree to this.

Jeongguk stands, rubbing a hand miserably down his face, feeling very much like tucking his currently invisible tail between his legs as he wanders over to the kitchen where taehyung is. Might as well get in as many hugs and touches as he can before they stop because it 'feels too weird' when they find out he's a succubus. Jeongguk gets to the kitchen and watches for a moment as taehyung does the dishes for the sandwich he had just made, eyes raking down the slim line of taheyungs broad shoulders and lean back, down to his toned legs in cute little shorts. Jeongguk reaches out and wraps his arms around taheyungs waist, pushing his face into the centre of his shoulders blades. Jeongguk feels taehyung jump a little at his touch and smiles into his shirt.

"Jesus man, you scared me," taehyung chuckles, stomach flexing a little under Jeongguks touch as he reaches for the dish soap. "What's up?"

Jeongguk rubs his cheek against the patch of bare skin on the back of his neck, dropping his eyes closed and just enjoying being close to him while he still can. "Nothin." He sighs.

"Who were you talking to, on the phone?" Taehyung asks, shaking out his gloved hands so the suds spray across the sink.


Taehyung hums. "Any news?"

Jeongguk doesn't say anything, just tightens his arms around taheyungs middle.


Jeongguk feels taehyung take off the gloves and shake out his hands again, and he tightens his arms as taehyung attempts to pry them off. Taehyung sighs, turning around in Jeongguks hold so that Jeongguks still hugging him, just this time around his front instead. Jeongguk drops his face into the space between taheyungs neck and shoulder, sighing against the bare skin because his shirt was lopsided. Jeongguk likes the smell of taheyungs bare skin. Fresh and clean, contrasted nicely with the words sliding down his throat. Not that his words didn't taste fresh and clean, just more heady and rich. Jeongguk couldn't decide which he liked more. But he'd always  been more sensitive to smells.

"Gguky? Any news?"

Taehyung brings a hand up to card through the curled hair around Jeongguks nape, massaging his neck slightly and making Jeongguk fall heavier into taheyungs chest. Jeongguk shakes his head. Taehyung hums in consideration agaisnt the top of Jeongguks hair.

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