chapter thirty-three

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Jeongguks head was spinning and it was only seven in the morning.

Surely, surely they were doing it on purpose, right? But then again, maybe they weren't, and Jeongguk was just a stupid, horny succubus too much in his stupid honey succubus head. Jeongguk gulps, wanting to keep his eyes trained on the tabletop but also wanting to scan them around the table — look at them, look at them all. Because somehow, all of them were attacking his sensibilities this morning — all of them.

Namjoon, truth be told, wasn't really doing much except wearing a shirt with a stretched out collar so his collarbones are more exposed then normal, and in doing so is showing off the remarkably purple hickey standing proudly against his tan skin. Jeongguk knows he made it, knows he made it on purpose for a situation such as this, so shouldn't be as effected by seeing it as he is, but again, paired with the others it was a little hard to handle right now.

The others — Jin's words still swirling around Jeongguks mouth and getting caught on the back of his teeth, his shock of a taste. Jeongguk doesn't know how much longer he can hold out on telling him that his kisses taste like sex. Feels like maybe that shouldn't be something he should bring up over breakfast, but the words were hot on his tongue, begging to be said. Hoseok, tiny little shorts on Jeongguk had gotten a glimpse of as the other had left his room, ruffling up his messy hair and smiling lazily at Jeongguk as he'd gotten close, running a hand through Jeongguks hair too as he sits down opposite him. Tan thighs on display in a way they hadn't been last night, the two sharing shy looks with one another across the tabletop — and Jeongguk was about ready to combust at just that. Then, yoongi had emerged from his room with Jeongguks oversized hoodie on, long enough the hoodie was almost a dress if not for his basketball shorts peaking out underneath. The hood pulled up over his sleepy face and long, messy hair hanging across his eyes. Jeongguk had choked on his water as yoongi had sat down beside hoseok and the other had pushed off his hood, asking if that hoodie was Jeongguks and yoongi replying with a 'hm, s'warm' , in his early morning just-woken-up voice that had really done nothing to help remedy Jeongguks situation, which was quickly turning all kind of drastic and dire, now.

Then, god, then — taehyung and jimin pad out of taehyungs room (Jeongguk had tried to wake taehyung earlier, but the other had just rolled on his side and shot him the bird, so Jeongguk and given up) and Jeongguk really starts to go red in the face. Taehyung just had an extremely tight black shirt and boxers on — hugging all the right places and making Jeongguk feel like the air from his lungs had been stolen. Jimin, shirtless. Should honestly be normal at this point, seeing him shirtless. But something about jimin shirtless now, caramel skin and lean muscle and faded hickies on his stomach (no doubt taehyungs doing), running his hands through his hair and rubbing his tired eyed, sitting himself right next to Jeongguk for taehyung to sit on the other side of Jeongguk too only a second later — really does something to Jeongguks poor little succubus heart, getting caged in like that by the two of them.

He really needs to get himself under control, seriously, this kind of shit wasn't normal.

"Gonna eat gguk?" Jimin suddenly asks, drawing Jeongguk from his daze and forcing his eyes over to him. Bad idea. So close, jimin was so close, it was hard not to lean forward those last few inches and close the distance.

"I uh," Jeongguk clears his throat. "Already had some earlier,"

"Yeah, with me in the kitchen," Jin says, sipping on his coffee and leaning back in his chair from his spot next to namjoon. "He made me burn my fucking eggs,"

Taehyung waggles his eyebrows. "Oh, did he now?" Jeongguk goes to protest at the suggestive look taehyung gives him, but shuts his mouth instead, cheeks turning red at all the eyes suddenly directed at him. Taehyung starts to laugh, hitting Jeongguk on the shoulder. "Damn kook getting around,"

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