chapter four

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Jeongguk gets slammed into the hotel hallways wall, Sanghoon crowding against his body and making him feel small against his broad chest — in a good way. In a good way Jeongguk hadn't let himself indulge in for years.

For a succubus, a week without sex was like a lifetime. But Jeongguk hadn't gotten any in half a year (because of his hectic schedule, mostly, but also because of his increasing fear of exposure) so when Sanghoon presses Jeongguks face back into the wall to lick against the back of his teeth, Jeongguk lets every muscle in his body relax against him.

Even if he knew it wouldn't lead to anything else — it was still nice, to be touched, to he felt up in a way Jeongguk had been craving for so long, even though there were no words to feed on. He felt a weight lift from the very inner centre part of his chest as he began to smell sanghoons arousal on him, like clutching onto something you hadn't known for a while, something you'd once been addicted to.

Jeongguk tangles his hands further in sanghoons hair, pulling at the root and reviling in the full body shudder it produces. He moans too loud for a hotel corridor as Sanghoon drops his lips to the juncture of Jeongguks neck and sucks, finding himself not caring in he slightest if the demon left a mark, even if he should. His stylist would kill him. His friends would make fun of him. They'd—

Oh god

Sanghoon licks a thick strip up Jeongguks throat, feeling Jeongguk swallow like a sweet little bob under his tongue, to then catch his lips again in an aggressive, feral kiss.

The succubus greeting was almost over, Jeongguk realises, as Sanghoon pulls back a little to lick at the seam of Jeongguks lips, pecking them once again and then pulling away completely to pant against Jeongguks skin. He doesn't want it to be over. But it'd already gone on longer than normal anyway — a product of ten years worth of pent up frustration and longing for his friend. They'd already made up the whole elevator ride up, pressed each other into the wall as they stumbled towards the hotel room, and then this, now. The custom had gone on for long enough, but as Jeongguk opens his eyes to stare into sanghoons, he wants to kiss him again.

Pull him back, just so some more of the tension can realise.

"You're wound up like a fuckin spring, jeon. When'd you last get some?" Sanghoon asks, voice shallow and deeper than normal, but his smirk is as familiar as it always had been.

Jeongguk licks his lips, and is happy to see Sanghoon following the movement with keen interest, eyes flashing scarlet for a moment before returning back to brown. "Half a year, probably,"

"Dude — are—are you serious?!" Sanghoon eyes widen, mouth dropping open in absolute bewilderment (and maybe a little bit of amazement, too) as Jeongguk flushes in embarrassment and avoids his eyes.

"Shutup. I've been busy, okay?" Jeongguk pulls away completely and Sanghoon moves away easily, still looking dumbfounded as Jeongguk sniffs the air near the door there were meant to have gone through already. "You smell that shit? It smells like pure fucking sex in there,"

"Block your nose, you might get hard. You're practically a virgin mister no sex for half a year," Sanghoon teases, Jeongguk hits him upside the head.

Jeongguk takes out the key from sanghoons pocket, and sticks it into the lock. As soon as he pushes the door open, the smell of sex hits him so hard in the face he stumbles back a little, nose scrunching up in distaste. Sanghoon was right, there must be an orgy happening right now because the amount of pheromones being produced would mean nothing less than four people, at least.

He's proven right, when he steps into the otherwise pristine hotel room to see two naked men and a naked woman sprawled out on the bed, looking utterly exhausted. Sprawled between sweat and lube slick sheets, clothes discarded around them like a hurricane had hit the room and fucked everything inside it up. Jeongguks eyes are quickly diverted off to the side, however, when a very high pitched squeal interrupts the exhausted panting of the people on the bed.

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