chapter eight

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Jeongguk had stumbled and tripped and fucked up his way through practice until it was over, just after one in the afternoon.

He couldn't remember ever being so distracted in his life. By nothing in particular, either. Just everything and nothing all at the same time. His motivation had been slipping the longer he'd danced and gotten nowhere. Jeongguk had tried to clutch at it, to pull it back towards himself, but the motivation had slipped through his fingers like water in his palms before he could. It was beyond frustrating.

The others don't say anything, either. Even as they have to continually start up the music over and over again because of him. Even when they watch him mutter a fucks sake under his breath as he falls back into the position he was meant to be in, but had forgotten about. Hoseok doesn't mention anything or offer any tips, and it's both frustrating but also good because really, Jeongguk knew what he was doing. He didn't need tips on how to remember or where to go. Because he knew.

He just couldn't figure it out today. That was all.

They end practice early. They say it's not because of Jeongguk when he asks, but Jeongguk knows they're lying. He hates feeling like a burden on the team, hates that he feels as if he's dragging them down to the deep dark depths of whatever Jeongguks feelings with him. Should probably remove himself for their sakes, but can't bare to miss a practice.


"Alright, I'm going to go speak to bang now. Who has vocals today?" Namjoon asks from his spot leant up against the mirror.

"We do, I think, right?" Jimin says, turning to taehyung and Jin who nod in confirmation.

"Me too." Jeongguk mutters, staring down at the floor because he doesn't think he has the right to look any of them in the eye after such an appalling practice. All because of him.

"I'm in the studio today, with hobi," yoongi says, Hoseok nods his head too.

Jeongguk wipes the sweat away from his brow with his towel, sighing. He's the last for vocals, so he'll probably have to wait an hour or two for Jimin and taehyung to be done. Maybe longer. Normally he'd go to the gym or his own studio to warm up, but today he doesn't want to leave the practice room until he feels at least a tiny bit better. This frustration was eating him alive.

"Hanging back?"

Jeongguk looks up long enough to see Hoseok in front of him, then he drops his face back down to stare at his fidgeting feet again. "Yeah." He mutters.

"I might hang back too,"

Jeongguk goes to protest but before he can Hoseok is already moving away and towards yoongi, probably to tell him he'll be going with him later. Jeongguk feels guilty. He knows Hoseok wouldn't be staying back for extra practice (doesn't need to, his dancing's perfect)  if it weren't for Jeongguk. To keep him company, probably. Or to make him feel better. It won't work though.

Jeongguks in the shitter, and he has a feeling he's gonna be in it all fucking day.

"You coming to vocal, gguk?" Jimin asks, appearing by Jeongguks side with taehyung close in tow.

Normally all three would go together, muck around in the studio until it was each of their turns to record. But not today. Jeongguk can't bare to leave the dance studio like this. Not until he's satisfied. He shakes his head. "Gonna stay back for a bit, can you text me when it's my turn to record?"

Taehyung smiles warmly at him, eyes swirling with something akin to understanding. "Course, gguk."

Then they bid him a last goodbye and turn out the door. Jin says his own goodbye to them all and leaves after them, dragging Namjoon along with him as yoongi follows. Jeongguk listens to the multiple pairs of feet padding down the hallway, turning down their respective corridors, and then disappearing behind closed doors.

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