chapter seventeen

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The next day was awkward. Incredibly uncomfortable, actually. As uncomfortable as Jeongguk had been expecting after such a big confession as the one he'd admitted yesterday, but also made ten times worse because of the incident in his bedroom.

Which, apparently, wasn't as big a deal to taehyung and Jimin as it was to Jeongguk, because after some slight awkwardness (red cheeks, avoiding eye contact) at the dinner  table that night, the two seemed totally unfazed the next morning. That morning, when the two aforementioned totally unfazed  by the fact they'd almost initiated a three way make out session with their best friend that they just found out was a succubus had greeted Jeongguk with the same, totally normal pep that they always did (morning gguk, have a good sleep?) like nothing had  happened yesterday that was out of the ordinary at all.

It worked for Jeongguk though, who had spent the whole sleepless night worrying about how the fuck he was meant to act the next day after almost jumping his two best friends the day before.

Even though they had seemed more than willing — because they weren't, not really. The realisation that Jeongguk was a  succubus hadn't yet dawned on them, and once it did they wouldn't want to do anything like that with him. None of them would. No matter  what shit they'd said yesterday.

So, them acting totally fine and normal today was totally fine and normal. Totally.

Except Jeongguk was kind of a bad actor and couldn't hide his own awkwardness behind his usual facade like taehyung annd Jimin could apparently do with seemingly practiced ease. No, he was all stumbling over his footing, flaming red cheeks after meeting eyes with either of them and mouth going dry when Jimin had asked him at the dinner table that morning if he'd wanted toast. Embarrassing. Like he wasn't a fucking succubus. Like situations like this hadn't happened before.

It had. Many times. Like, for instance, when a young tempter had propositioned him down in hell after finding out he was one of agmas favourites, and he and Jeongguk where caught in a janitors closet at their school by the head. Of course in this situation the tempter  was already three finger deep in Jeongguks ass  when they were caught, and if you compared lips barely brushing with Jeongguk being shoved against a wall lined with brooms with a demon fingering him, then the latter seemed more serious. But somehow it wasn't. Because after that situation Jeongguk had been mildly embarassed eveytime he'd met eyes with the head, and the tempter, for weeks after, sure. But this. This was worse. Why? Jeongguk didn't know.

But somehow the fact it was Jimin and taehyung made everything worse. More humiliating. Like Jeongguk had been made to sing and dance in front of an entire hall of people butt ass naked with a butt plug shoved in his ass.

Jeongguk didn't want to dwell on why exactly that was, because he was already using up all his energy to try and keep the barest semblance of normalcy he'd managed to maintain while at a practice Jeongguk had very much not wanted to go to. But he'd gone anyway, probably to prove a point that he could. Even after everything yesterday, he could still be and act normal. He could and he would.


Just a little, at least.

All Jeongguk needed to do was not think about, under any circumstance, how taehyungs breath had stuttered out past his lips when he'd gotten close enough to Jeongguk to touch. Jeongguk just needed to act normal and not think about how warm Jimins hand had felt as it had skimmed the soft, inner part of his thigh. How Jeongguk had tasted the desire in their breathy words in warm cream and caramel. How badly Jeongguk had wanted to crane his neck back and meet taehyungs lips in a searing kiss so hot it would leave both their mouths smouldering when they finally pulled away. How he'd then drag Jimin in and share the flame with him, swallowing Jimins punched out sounds like a fiery line down his belly, grappling at the nape of Jimins neck for control that the other would easily relinquish.

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