chapter eighteen

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Jeongguk pants loudly against the sudden quiet of the hotel room, throwing an elbow across  his brow as the man above him slowly slips out, leaving Jeongguk satisfied but sore against the scratchy bedding of the love hotel. Sanghoon had  been right, the guys there were  hot, fucked well too, but at this point Jeongguk was  too exhausted to really comprehend much. Three men in one night was a lot — even for him.

Jeongguk tries to catch his breath as he hears the man fumble around the room, thinking deftly that he should be doing the same but also finding the thought of staying on the bed  too tempting to refuse.

"Uh, so — thankyou?" The man says in broken Korean, Jeongguk peaks out through the crook of his elbow, swallowing down the mans satiated words as they roll from his lips. He was a pretty thing — European, with gleaming blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Nervous, too. Like a puppy. Jeongguk wonders if it's his first time having a one night stand, but doesn't have enough French prowess to ask.

"You too." Jeongguk answers, gives  a thumbs up and  hopes the universal sign comes across  how he wants, it does, it seems, because the man smiles back and bows awkwardly before turning towards the door.

Jeongguk sighs as the door slams, feeling immensely well fed and content, which makes  sense since he's basically been at an all you can eat buffet all night. But exhausted nonetheless, despite hiss succubus stamina. After all it had been months and he'd jumped  right back into the deep end. He'd topped a tall Korean man a few hours ago, then what seemed to be a Japanese  tourist after that (they didn't speak much, but the Korean the man spoke was  fairly good so Jeongguk supposed he had  to be Japanese since he was obviously not a native speaker) and finally the French man that he'd bottomed for just now. Pretty good.

Jeongguk didn't think he could do anymore though, not tonight. Maybe once he gets his stamina up though, he's sure he'll be able to make five once that happens, but for now Jeongguk feels like he's been hit by a truck. Multiple times. A hit and run, perhaps. Like they went back and forth over Jeongguks body to make sure  he was dead before speeding off. Okay, his minds getting the better of him.

Jeongguk sits up slowly, his muscles scream at him to stay still but he knows after an hour or two they'll go back to normal (hopefully). The wonders of a succubis body. He slowly makes his way around the room, picking up his discarded clothing off the floor and putting them back on as he does. He smells bad, Jeongguk realises as he pulls his shirt up to his nose, and thinks that maybe he should stay behind and utilise the hotels shower, but then remembers the bed waiting for him at home and decides against it. Jeongguk doesn't trust himself to not literally fall asleep in the shower if he were to try and  take one right now, let alone actually wash himself well enough.

Jeongguk puts his shoes on, stumbling a little as he makes his way to the door, feeling his limbs creak at every movement but the heavy weight in his belly makes him feel a little better. He hasn't been this full and satisfied in a while — normal words can only get him so far. Sex words truly were the best, and Jeongguk had started thinking that maybe he'd been unintentionally starving himself all this time by not being able to eat them. Whatever. Jeongguks stomach was full and his body was  satiated, so that was all that mattered, right?

Jeongguk steps back out into the open air, breathing in the night as he pulls out his phone to check the time. One in the morning. Not bad going, Jeongguk thinks, but probably only because he'd started to early. Most of the night was spent looking for people over actually having sex, but that was to be expected of a fortnight. The weekends were when Jeongguk would really need to start early, he'd probably be going all night.

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