chapter thirteen

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Jeongguks decided, he's not going to ask them to fuck him.

Won't. No, can't. Not only was it teetering on the edge of being incredibly fucked up, the fact it was sitting in some kind of moral grey area was somehow worse because how was he meant to figure out what to do? But Jeongguk knew one thing and that one thing was enough; it didn't feel right. Even though every fibre in his body that he'd somehow (fuck, somehow) managed to tamper for the past ten or so years that told him to seduce them, to fuck them, to get fucked by them or at least suggest as such — he'd push it all aside. Had been successfully pushing it all aside, and he wouldn't stop now. He couldn't ask that of them, wouldn't ask that of them, no matter the circumstances — because it felt like some sort of obligation, like they had to do it, and Jeongguk didn't want it to be like that.

It left a dirty, gross taste in the back of Jeongguks throat, and Jeongguk knew well enough that that meant he shouldn't do it. Even though he wanted to, so much it actually physically pained him to not at least ask it of them — he wouldn't.

His decision was made.

But Jeongguk wasn't so much worried about that now, because he'd already decided that wasn't the route he'd go down. He'd even texted sanghoon to tell him his decision, and even though the other hadn't been exactly in the same boat as Jeongguk and had told him his choice was stupid (it was, Jeongguk admits, everything's going to be a lot harder for him now), Jeongguk was still resolute and wouldn't be swayed. What he was worried about was that despite him coming to the conclusion that he was not in fact about to practically beg his friends to have sex with him to save Korea (or at least, some of Korea) he was still going to tell them he was a word feeding, sexually motivated succubus from hell.

So. That was great. Something to look forward to, at least.

Jeongguk could scream. Wants to, but can't. The image of his hyungs bursting into his room at six in the morning (Jeongguk couldn't sleep, again) because he'd let out an ear splitting, spine rattling shriek, wasn't exactly an image Jeongguk enjoyed.

But Jeongguk was only going to tell them because it was inevitable, if everything that Jeongguk needs to do gets done. It was inevitable that they find out — so why not tell them now? Then he wouldn't have to pretend like he has to find a dying human to hitch a ride on the back of their soul to get back to hell to stop (or at least make an attempt) the king of said hell from raining terror on them all. Or the fact that he might not be able to go to practice for a couple weeks before making said journey because he's going to have so somehow get no less than five people to fuck him a day. Something Jeongguk was still trying to come to terms with because even though it was possible, especially being that Jeongguk was a succubus, it was still going to be hard and that was what was making Jeongguk nervous if he wasn't already shitting himself over everything else.

Maybe Jeongguk wasn't sleeping because he was stressed.

There was a distinct possibility of that, anyway.

Jeongguk sighs one one last time and stands up, padding tiredly into the living room and collapsing into the couch with a huff. If he was lucky (not lucky) Jin or someone would be up soon and he'd distract him enough.

Jeongguk closes his eyes and falls heavily backwards into the couch, drawing a throw pillow to his chest and actually — this is nice. This could do it. Jeongguk feels himself start to nod off before he can really comprehend he is, and soon his relentless mind shuts off.

Bliss, at last.

He's woken up by his phone rigging, loudly, in his ear. He has barely enough time to stop himself falling off the couch with how hard he jumps before he's fishing his phone out of his sweats pocket and dragging it to his ear, not even checking the caller ID.

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