chapter ten

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Jeongguk couldn't sleep. As usual, he couldn't sleep. Maybe it was the absence of Jimin and taehyung, or maybe it was just because Jeongguks mind was too busy rattling off useless shit for him to even try and get a wink of rest, but whatever it was, it was frustrating.

After his little shower stint, he'd feigned illness (he wasn't sure they believed him though, because the pity in their eyes was a more he-has-a-dying-relative kind of pity over the oh-no-jeonggukie-feels-sick kind, like Jeongguk had been going for) so he could get out of eating dinner. Because well, Jeongguk didn't know if he could look any of them in the eye after imagining what he'd just imagined with a hand on his dick. How he'd come to the thought of all his friends. Normally, Jeongguk would do it in the shower after dinner, to avoid that kind of awkward situation, but something in him just couldn't help it that night it seemed, he just couldn't hold himself back despite telling himself many times beforehand that he'd never (never) wank to the thought of his friends again. But that was always after satisfying his sick sexual fantasises so he couldn't remember how bad his neediness could get and he'd inevitably end up doing it again, a few days later.

It was wrong, Jeongguk knew. So the guilt was eating him away like it did every time he masturbated. Because every time he masturbated it was always to the images of his friends, nothing really else could do it for him anymore. It was sick. Fucked up. Wrong, on every level imaginable. They'd probably feel violated if they ever found out and yet — Jeongguk couldn't stop. It was better this, he rationalises, than having it stay in his system without a release, so he'd do something stupid like pop a boner in the middle of dance because Jimins thighs looked too good in his shorts, or because Hoseok was walking around innocently shirtless and Jeongguk just can't (apparently) keep his dick in his pants.

It was wrong that Jeongguk was still hard just thinking about it.

Because just one wank wasn't enough to satisfy his fucking astronomical libido, it seemed. It never was. But he'd be damned if he wanked again after berating himself about doing that very thing only five hours before.

He had better self control than that.

He did.

It was worse though after they'd finished their dinner, because Namjoon and Jin (fuck them, fuck then all to hell for being that pretty) peeked their heads into Jeongguks room to say goodnight to him and tell him they hope he feels better in the morning, before subsequently going to bed themselves. Leaving Jeongguk like this — in pain.

It was still dark out, but in about an hour or two it would start to get light and Jeongguk hadn't slept a fucking wink. His dick too hard in his boxers and mind too restless.

Jeongguk sighs and sits up, wanting to go into one of the others rooms and slip under their covers so he can actually try and sleep — but obviously can't. Just the thought of them seeing him with a boner, much less the very distinct possibility of him accidentally brushing them with said boner, is enough for Jeongguk to want to jump out of his window and plummet to his death.

So instead Jeongguk stands up, grabs a bucket hat and a black mask and puts them on. He makes sure his long black sweater is long enough to cover his crotch and adjusts his sweats as he slips out of his room. It was so quiet at night, so peaceful, and here Jeongguk was disturbing it with his loud feet and even louder heart, beating in his ribcage so hard it was almost painful. He doesn't spare the kitchen or the comfy looking couches a glance because she knows if he does then he'll just end up eating chocolate in the kitchen or watching tv, and he doesn't want to do that right now. He needed to do something about his dick that wasn't wrapping his hand around it.

And what was the biggest boner killer for Jeongguk? Other than looking at pictures of old men and dead kittens? Running.

Sure, Jeongguk liked to exercise, and running was fun on normal days. Just not at four in the morning on a Tuesday after getting no sleep.

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