chapter twenty-eight

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slight trigger warning - panic attacks

Jeongguk couldn't sleep. Again.

This was becoming a bad habit of his, not sleeping. Not that he had any say in it what-so-ever. If he did, he'd sleep for a week straight just so he wouldn't have to be forced to do anything else. So he wouldn't be forced to have to think constantly, all the time. He considers going to hoseoks room and asking for some sleeping pills but ultimately decides against it because really, he knows why he can't sleep.

His big dumb bed felt too fucking empty.

That and yoongi and his conversation earlier in the van had unleashed something in Jeongguk he very much didn't want to get caught up in. Another bad habit of his — getting caught up, and, well, things not hitting him at the moment they should and instead creeping up on him later.

Something like that was happening right now, and suddenly Jeongguk didn't want to be alone in his big dumb room in his big dumb bed anymore.

Jeongguk sits up and then stands, rubbing his bare chest and sighing. The closest room was taehyungs, so that's where he'd go. Plus, if truth be told, taehyung was who he wanted to go to anyway. Mainly because he also knew Jimin would undoubtedly be in there (the two rarely slept alone anymore and taehyungs room seemed to be the room of choice) and Jeongguk knows that two is much better then one when he's feeling as empty as this, so he starts padding towards the door. It's not that late, they'd only gotten home about two hours ago. Long enough for them all to eat and shower and then head to bed. Namjoon, yoongi and Hoseok slinking off to the studio right after, leaving Jin, taehyung, Jimin and Jeongguk to sleep. Jeongguk always felt bad on days like this, when the album deadlines were looming and the three producers would have to stay up later and later to make it on time (except yoongi, who was kind of always in his studio no matter if they had deadlines or not) and Jeongguk would just be left at home to sleep at a normal time. Normally they'd all make up for it by staying later, helping out as much as the other three will allow, but today they'd all been too tired and had just gone to bed.

Except Jeongguk.
Who was wasting time not being able to.

Jeongguk makes it to taehyungs room and doesn't bother knocking, it was too late and he'd rather just slip under the covers without drawing too much attention. He closes the door softly behind him and squints for a moment, his eyes attempting to adjust to the much darker room. Taehyung used black out curtains, so the stream of street light Jeongguks room was used to — through the cracks of his sheer curtains — was non existent here. Good for sleeping, bad for Jeongguk as he shuffles towards the area he knows the bed is, and almost slips on a tshirt on the ground.

There's a snicker and Jeongguk scowls, his eyes slowly adjusting so he can see the vague outline of the bed, and someone sitting up atop it. "Over here, gguk,"

"Your fucking room is too dark, it's pitch black in here — I can't even see my own hand in front of my fucking face," Jeongguk complains, almost tripping again before he finally feels the press of the mattress on his knees and sighs in relief.

"Is' how I like it man," Jeongguk can practically see the careless shrug through the darkness.

It's true, taehyung had weird sleeping habits. He needed a pitch black room and something (or someone) to hug. Which was why before Jeongguk had found out Jimin and taehyung fucked around together he hadn't been suspicious of them always sleeping in the same bed. Had just put it down to taehyung needing someone there for him to sleep. He really was a remarkably oblivious and naive succubus, truly.

Jeongguk huffs at the thought and gets into the bed, apologising when his knee meets a leg and a groan accompanies it, until he's crawling over it and slipping between the two bodies, the duvet getting pulled up over him.

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