chapter twenty-six

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"Oh fuck — my eyes!"

Jeongguk groans and rolls over, his bare skin coming into contact with something soft, he pushes his face further into it and sighs.

"My fucking god! The least you could have done was  clean up — or put on some clothes, Jesus Christ—"

There's loud, tinkering laughter, and then something gets flung over him and Jeongguks glad, he'd been kind of cold before. The skin that was atop the warmth below him was fine, but the skin that had been bared to the cold, biting air was the problem.

"I mean seriously — it's too early to be seeing that shit! I just fucking woke up!"

"Jin-hyung! Be quiet! You're gonna wake him up!" A deep voice hisses below him, and Jeongguk starts to feel himself wake up a little more, the just-woken-up haziness disappearing a little but being replaced by something else, something Jeongguk couldn't quite put a finger on.

"Good! I hope so! You two got cum on my fucking couch!"

Jeongguk groans as the laughter he'd heard  before only gets louder, annoying him.

"I need to wash out my fucking eyes with bleach, seriously! Not what I wanted to see at six am on a Tuesday morning!"

"Hyung, what'the fucks going on? I could hear you screaming from my room," another grumbly voice asks.

"What's going on is I come out here to see the two youngest on top of each other butt ass naked on our couch with cum all over their stomachs!"

Jeongguk smacks his lips, hurrying his face further into the warmth and trying to block out the annoying sounds bombarding him from all directions. He was too tired for this shit. "Guys," the deep voice below him hisses again. "It's not a big deal — we just—"

"Fucked on the couch we all sit on!"

The laugh gets louder, high pitched and sweet, Jeongguk smacks his lips around it, finally tasting the bad tastes on his tongue, and it's this that wakes him up a little more.

But as Jeongguk cracks his eyes open, blinking at the sudden bright light attacking his irises, it's strange. Because the comprehension washes in like a tidal wave, the realisation that Jimin was  laughing at them, that the warmth below him was taehyungs naked body and the reason jin was yelling so loud was because he'd found them in the couch covered in cum and really he had every right to yell but still — the embarrassment creeps in, the panic and then the shock and then, even with all this, all he can really comprehend — is burning.

Because along with the embarrassment he can feel washing over him, is another kind of heat.

He's burning up.

Jeongguk feels his body begin to shake a little, and taehyung must feel it because his arms tighten around Jeongguks waist as Jeongguk pushes his face away from the bare skin of taehyungs neck.

"Was'going on?" Jeongguk murmurs even though he knows — just isn't really thinking straight. Can't pinpoint the feeling overtaking all others right now, just knows he feels as hot as fucking lava and doesn't know why.

"That's what I'd like to know, Jeongguk!" Jin yells back, and  Jeongguk looks over at him enough to see that he has  his hands on his hips.

Jimin laughs again, body bending over himself. "Isn't it obvious! I don't think he needs to explain a thing!"

"Shutup dumbass! You're gonna embarrass him!" Taehyung yells back, but this only makes Jimin fall back into hysterics, stumbling a little over his knees.

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