chapter thirty

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Jeongguk was going to do it. He was. Poised outside namjoons studio, with tthe RKive sign on the door, fist raised and ready to knock. He'd do it — he just needed to build the courage first.

It wasn't that he was scared of Namjoon, it was that he was scared of confrontation with namjoon. But again, it wasn't like Namjoon was the yelling type or anything — the man wasn't even the huff-angrily-in-frustration type — so there was nothing to even be agonising over. Jeongguk was just worried about why Namjoon was acting like this and if he exactly wanted to hear the reason. He was just scared of getting hurt unintentionally, that was all.

But still — some courage was needed.

Jeongguk takes a deep breath in and knocks on the door, knowing a music studio wasn't the kind of place one just went barging into, and waited patiently for the telltale 'yeah — give me a minute' Namjoon normally yelled before the door would inevitably beep open. But after a few seconds of no such greeting, Jeongguk shuffles on his feet and wonders if namjoons even in his studio. He should be, deadlines were looming and there was nowhere else he would be.

Joengguk tries again, but again, nothing.

He huffs and quickly puts in the doors code, the little chime goes off and then he cautiously pushes the door open and peaks his head through the crack. A tuft of short dark hair is just seen over the tall back of namjoons leather  desk chair, the unmistakable clicking of a computers keys and the ever so faint music coming from headphones sat atop namjoons head makes Jeongguk let out a breath. He wasn't being ignored, Namjoon just couldn't hear him.

Jeongguk steps fully into the studio but holds the door, taking in the copious music sheets shrewd atop the wooden coffee table and leather couch, bunches crumpled on namjoons desk and empty disposable coffee cups stacked in the corner — despite the mess though it smelled like it always did, like that sleepy morning Namjoon smell with lavender and camomile added to the mix because of the air purifier. Jeongguk always liked  how Namjoon smelt the same way his words tasted, and it was endearing how the other shrouded himself with the same scents all the time and never changed. It was comforting. Familiar. Warm.

Jeongguk shakes himself out of the hominess namjoons studio always inspired in him, and clears his throat, hoping to get the others attention without actually scaring him. It doesn't work, so Jeongguk tries again, a little louder this time.

Namjoon continues clicking away.

"Um, Namjoon-hyung?" Jeongguk tries, waits for a response, then nibbles on his lip when he doesn't get one. "Hyung?"


Jeoongguk bites the inside of his cheek and steps completely into the studio, letting the door slam shut behind him and finally, finally — Namjoon jumps in his chair and spins around, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape, but his eyes only widen when they land on the figure of Jeongguk, now crowded against the back of the door, hands still on the door handle with a sheepish look on his face.

Namjoon takes off his earphones and puts them on his desk. "Gguk?"

"I knocked," Jeongguk says quickly. "I swear. Like twice. But you didn't hear me,"

Namjoon continues to look at him and then leans back in his chair, swallows, and looks away. Jeongguk feels the tickle of frustration from earlier return as namjoons gaze leaves him. "It's fine. My uh— music was loud. What's up?" Namjoon tries for casual, but the way he fiddles with his hands in his lap, on the armrest, then back on his lap, gives him away.

"I just um, wanted to talk?" Jeongguk murmurs, trying to catch namjoons eyes but ultimately failing.

"Oh? About what?" Namjoon asks, voice tasting a little of over seeped green tea. Like tea that's just about to become bitter, but isn't quite there yet.

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