Chapter 43.

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"Y-you, your.. b-brother?" I stuttered out trying to get my thoughts in order. I thought he didn't have siblings? Yet again, he never clarified that to me.

"Yes, Luchesi is my older brother" he confirmed.

My head was stuck in a whirl. Every thought I had about Harry and how he ever got the way he is could have never even ended up to be the fact that he had a brother. I thought that he just never got the love like myself and other kids did growing up, but was I so wrong.

"So, he's your full brother like you two have the same exact parents?" I asked wincing at the nod of his head.

"Yes, same mother and father" he confirmed making me go silent.

Harry has a brother, an older brother in fact. Is this why he is the way he is? What did Luchesi do to Harry that makes him immediately become a bad person? From the pictures, Harry was fighting with Luchesi but that could mean anything.

It could be just brother squabbles and small meaningless fights, or it could mean real hits and threats. Although it could be the second thought, I don't think that's what makes Harry the way he is. There has to be something bigger, something that got Harry good.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked making his body stiffen up besides me.

"Because Ara, I didn't think you would understand it and I was too ashamed to tell you" he admitted making my heart sag a bit.

"Why would you be ashamed of that?" I asked soothingly, trying to keep him as cal as I possibly could.

"It shows me as weak Arabella, if I look weak then everybody will walk right on over me" he commented.

"Who do you look weak in front of? Who are you trying to impress? I know you are not weak, its no doubt in my mind you aren't. Who here are you trying to show off too?" I asked trying to knock some sense into him.

"I don't know" he mumbled to himself as his head dropped in shame.

"You don't need to show off to me or to anybody" I said making him shake his head.

"That's what you don't understand, in this business it's not like that." he said making me sigh. He knew I was right and so did I but I decided that instead of pressing him on it, to try to clear the air.

"Do you think if I didn't kiss you we wouldn't be here right now?" I asked with a playful grin on my face.

He lifted his head up and a broad smile twitched his lips. A laugh erupted from his smokey lungs soon followed by coughs for breath. His laugh never ceases to amaze me. Very rarely am I met with it, but when I am its like having a fresh breeze blow over.

"Probably not" he snickered finally allowing happiness to flow through his body.

"Thought so, now show me the rest of these wonderful paintings" I said in a small whiny voice making him laugh and grab my hand.


The rest of the after noon was basically Harry showing me his beautiful artwork and drawings. He showed me the only painting he had of any of the boys, which ended up being a small drawing of Niall smoking with the rest of the boys sitting around in the back. I hope one day he realizes just how amazing his art really is.

Sometime around mid-afternoon, I begged him to let me watch him and teach me how to paint and that's exactly what we did. He drew a beautiful elegant rose as I drew the closest thing to a 1st grade sunflower as I could get. We laughed and soon, the paper was found in the trash.

We had somehow made our way back to the same painting I had looked at before the reveal of Harry's sibling. The thick lines of the paint show the haste when it had been made. The desperation of how he wanted his message inside his head conveyed.

"It wasn't long ago I painted that" he commented coming and standing next to me.

There was a beat of silence as we both looked at the picture before us. It was awful to see, the women curled up in the corner as three men who were all, although their age, much bigger than her. I didn't even ask Harry about the picture and what was happening in it.

"Harry?" I asked making him look over at me. "What are you doing in this picture?" I asked quietly hoping it will not send another trigger off in his head.

A sigh left his plump lips before answering. "Luchesi followed my father despite the abuse he gave to him, I followed Luchesi because he was my older brother and I thought that was fun" he answered as if it was completely normal.

"You're father abused your mother?" I asked although it was obvious.

"All the time, they cheated on each other yet my mother got the abuse even though they both deserved it" he said making me gasp. "Somtimes, he would be mad at the girls he cheated with and would take it out on my mom"

"So you followed Luchesi who followed your father" I clarified making his head nod.

"It's a messed up world" he commented making me nod slightly.

"Did you ever say sorry to your mother?" I asked making him suck in a sharp breath.

"I never got the chance" he said solemnly making me turn to look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked making him sigh.

"One day, she couldn't take it anymore, the constant abuse from the three men of the hoyse so she ran off, my father tried to chase her but when he came back to the house empty handed he said it was... too late" he said quietly making my heart ache for him.

"What do you mean.. 'too late'?" I asked.

"She's dead"


sorry its really short, its a filler and I really dont feel well this week so I had to literally rush this.

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