Chapter 11.

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I'll admit the first few days here were hard. It seems as if everything I did I was doing wrong, which was probably true in his eyes. The constant yelling, crying, and fighting was almost like a broken record, the same thing over and over again each and every day.

What shocked me the most was how right Harry was. Every morning at 8:00 sharp, I heard the loud thud of his boots descending the stairs, and every night around 11:30, the front door was thrown open and an angry looking Harry stomped into his little man cave with a bottle of what I could only assume to be liquor in his hands. It carried on like this, thus giving me the privilege of not seeing him as frequently.

The first few days were rough. I guess Harry expected me to comply with his cleaning and cooking orders because the first three days that it was not done he had yelled louder than I have every heard. That led to a huge fight ending in a fresh patch of fingerprints on my forearms and tears on my face. After that, I slightly complied and cleaned only the downstairs, which angered him even more. I obviously cooked for myself, only leaving barley enough for him, making him start a small protest about that. I argued back about the lack of groceries he had and was forced to go shopping with Sophia for the things he wanted for dinner.

Basically, the week entitled fighting and crying in return for not seeing him during the day.The only bad part about being home alone was that there was nothing to do. Like any normal person, I obviously tried to make a run for it the second he walked out that door, but he was too smart. Every door and window in that house was sealed tight, with the exception of the balcony in the room I stayed in. He knew that I could never make that jump or will I try. As for his room and the dead bolted door, those also remained locked which I had tried to break open, but could never succeed.

Some days Sophia would sneak over while the boys were at work and would help me clean. She was honestly a sweet person to have around and could crack a few jokes every now and then. She took me out for a few hours some days sight-seeing or some shopping for new clothes that I had desperately needed. All in all it was great having someone to talk too when I needed it.

Now, two weeks since I had arrived in England, it was a Friday afternoon and I was perched in my bed with a book that I had bought at one of the bookstores I had went to the week before. Harry was due home in a couple hours and I had not even thought about dinner or even the laundry that had built up upon the days. But, not even a slight bit of desire flooded my body to do any of the chores that needed to be done.

But, my body was in need for a stretch of the limbs and a drink. I put the book mark in the page I had finished and closed the mesmerizing book. Standing up, I felt the muscles in my body crack and jolt awake with the raise of my body. I yawned and walked towards the door and to the hallway. The sweater that had been carelessly thrown around my body was beginning to loose the sense of warmth it once had.

It had been more cold these past few days because of the transition from fall to winter and the rain that had seeming to be not letting up. Sophia came over for only a little while today, but the conditions had been so atrocious that we called it off and she ended up going home but that was okay because were going to talk tomorrow when everyone goes to Liam's for the weekly meeting the boys did. But that did not stop the rain from pouring from the sky and hitting the top of the large house harshly. It was just a lousy day, dark and cold, like Harry.

I shook my head and made my way down the hallway and down the stairs. I wonder what would happen if Harry came home right now to find neither the laundry or dinner started. He would probably scream and yell until I was in tears like he always does. But that really would not be my fault because he comes home later then the current time, but he would still find a way to get in my head and tell me I am wrong.

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