"Would you like some more water?" I asked leaning my body over the bed and towards his tired face. He shook his head slowly and switched his position on the bed.
He has laid in the same spot in my bed for the last 3 days and all I can say is that I truly do feel awful. He rarely even moves, just lays there and falls in and out of sleep. Occasionally he will get up to use the bathroom but other than that he hasn't moved. He hadn't showered which was evident from the small stench of sweat that would linger in the air if he moved a certain way.
I did feel bad and I knew he wasn't ready to tell me who Luchesi is and what he did to him, but I can't help but want to figure it out. I can't say the thought of snooping through his things hadn't crosses my mind, but it did and all I want to do is figure out exactly what is the problem.
I decided against snooping but I did take up on trying to ask Harry to shower. It is usually hot in my room which is fine by me, but it causes him to sweat. He does smell and his greasy hair is probably dirtying my pillows and sheets. I walked over to the bed and sat down on the side he was on as he looked up at me through his eyelashes with sad eyes.
"You need a shower" I tried to admit to him in the nicest way possible. He shook his head stubbornly before looking back at me.
"I don't want to move" he groaned flopping his head back on the pillow, leaving his tangled curls in his face.
"But, you smell" I said adding a humorous tone to soften the blow.
"That's because its 100 degrees in here" he whined making a small smile grow on my face.
"Well if you go shower, I can put on some cooler sheets so you don't sweat" I said making his head perk up.
I watched his broad shoulders sit up in the same white t-shirt he has been wearing for the first half of the week. He rubbed his face and stretched his back and arms. He sighed and threw his legs over the side of the bed before standing to his full height.
I couldn't hold the giggle that escaped my mouth at his sweatpants. They were turned all around and twisted around his long legs. He huffed and twisted them forward and going the same with his t-shirt. He walked out of the room and into the hallway.
"I really do smell" he said sniffing the top of his v-neck shirt. I nodded with a giggle and began stripping the bed of the smelly sheets.
By the time I finished changing the sheets and throwing the old ones to be washed, did Harry finally walk back into my bedroom. His hair had been black from the water and was dripping onto his clean navy t-shirt while his fresh black sweatpants hung low on his hips.
"Feel better?" I asked with a smile as he nodded and sat on the bed. He looked a lot better now that he was clean and washed.
"Yeah, I didn't realize how bad I smelled until I actually got in the shower" he said raking his fingers through his wet hair.
He sat back down on the bed with a sigh before closing his eyes in peace. The shirt on his torso had been tight fitting, making all of his muscles seem to bulge out against the thin fabric. His legs were swung on top of the bed as he laid back down much to my dismay.
"Oh no, you're not laying down and doing nothing for another three days" I said tugging on his arm to get him to sit up. Much to my surprise his body rose and he sat up on the pillows.
"Okay, what would you like to do?" he asked looking at me with confused eyes before realization hit him. He sighed and crossed his hands behind his head.
"I want to know who Luchesi is..." I said quietly making him grunt and shift his body a little.
"No, I'm not telling you" he said firmly making my stomach drop. He had been decent to handle when he laid in bed for days and the last thing I wanted was for his mood to change.

Excessive (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Fanfiction"I have been watching you for a while now, my love" he whispered darkly in my ear. "Why are you doing this to me" I squeaked, earning a low chuckle from him. "Because" he said, moving his hands from the wall above my head and down my bod...