Harry had been abnormally pleasant today. Maybe it was because he felt sorry for beating me with his belt? Maybe he knew that I was the one who had his first kiss? Maybe he was still high? All the thoughts clogged my brain had seemingly vanished as I finished breakfast.Standing over the stove cooking Harry's breakfast put my mind to peace. Watching the bacon sizzle and pop until it was fully cooked help clear my mind of all the stress and problems that were running through it. Cooking always had this effect on me, even when I was at my house with no problems.
Maybe now that Harry is in a much better mood then he has ever been around me, he will let me call home or at least give me the freedom of having them call me. I am becoming lonely and bored now that me and Sophia can't hangout like before. Granted we did sneak around, but now we are more carefully watched over then we were before.
As I proceeded cooking the fairly large breakfast, I heard Harry's loud footsteps come banging down the stairs and into the front room. I heard him walk into the living room, before sighing and stalking into the kitchen where I had my back turned to him.
"Hey, are you cooking breakfast?" he asked.
"Yeah" I said with my back still facing him.
I got two plates from out of the cabinet and placed my small amount of food on my plate first, then placing the large remainder of the food on Harry's plate. I walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed Harry a beer and myself a bottle a water before turning to Harry.
I gasped when I saw the bump that had formed on the side of his chin. How long had hat been there? When we kissed earlier this morning I didn't see that. What did he do to himself? I grabbed both plates and placed Harry's in front of him and handing him a fork.
"What did you do to your face?" I asked, shocked at the redness it heald.
"I got myself shaving, it will go away by tomorrow" he said calmly as he began shoving forkfuls of food in his mouth.
"Does it hurt?" I asked quietly.
"Yeah, a little" he said in between a bit of food.
"I think we have some cream in one of the drawers for that. I'll get you some" I said as he nodded and opened his beer.
I walked over to the drawer on the end of the counter and opened it up. It was a mess, but while searching through it I managed to find the bottle of soothing cream that I had saw earlier in the week when I was looking for scissors. After pulling the bottle from the drawer I opened it up and began walking towards Harry.
"Face me for minute" I said squeezing the cream onto my hand as he turned his entire body towards me.
I took a step forward, standing in between his legs and lifted his chin up with the hand not occupied by the cream. I slowly put the cream on the bump wincing at how big it was. This thing must hurt his chin so bad. He stood there looking at me while I wiped the cream on his face.
"That feels good" he said closing his eyes a little.
"It should" I replied before wiping my hand on the closest napkin and screwing the cap back on the lip of the cream.
I looked back over at Harry to see him still facing me. Once the bottle was sat on the table I turned back to him and sighed, placing my hands on my thickening hips. Harry smiled and leaned back on the seat a little but not turning his body back to face the table.
"Thank you" he said looking up at me with dark eyes. "I know I can be extremely rude sometimes, but I am not used to people defying me at all" he confessed making my chest ache.

Excessive (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Fanfiction"I have been watching you for a while now, my love" he whispered darkly in my ear. "Why are you doing this to me" I squeaked, earning a low chuckle from him. "Because" he said, moving his hands from the wall above my head and down my bod...