I flinched at the harshness of his voice and nearly fell out of my seat and onto the floor. I know he is mad at me snooping through his phone, but why would he call so loudly for me? Especially now considering my 'disobeidience' had already been exposed.
Other than snoop through his phone and maybe lie about what I had been doing on it, I had done nothing else wrong. I played the games for a little while but I had gotten bored and look for something else to do. So there is nothing else I could really be in trouble for, except the note.
I shook my head and pushed the thought from my brain. There is no way he found out about the note, not when its hidden away in my pillow case. Not when I lied to him and ran to the bathroom. He couldn't find out and he most definitely will not.
I stood up from my seat on the couch before I remembered what he had told me, which was not to move a muscle. My brain had been racing faster than light trying to balance all the thoughts running through it. Maybe this was a trick to see if I will listen to him. My brain decided against it as I walked closer to the door as I began to let my mind wonder.
Who was at the door that made Harry so upset with me? Could it be my brothers or better yet Sophia? Could it be one of the boys or one of the other members of Harry's gnag? My brain wouldn't rest as I let my hand rest on the door handle before twisting it open.
When the door was pulled back, I saw Harry standing in front of the door with his jaw clenched and hands balled into giant fists. The door had been open but blocking the person outside from my point of view. The creak of the wood underneath my feet caused Harry to look over at me with a look of anger.
I shuffled my feet forward yet slowly, intimidated by Harry's glare. As I came closer to the door I felt my heart begin to pick up speed as the thought of my brother had began ringing in my brain. Once in front of the door I looked outside to see a familiar face standing on the top of the steps. The mailman.
I felt like laughing right in front of both of them. Why was Harry so mad about the mailman being here? I looked back and forth, amused between the two men. Harry stood with a scowl of anger plastered on his face as the mailman looked confused and lost. It was then I began putting pieces together.
Harry is mad that the mailman is here. Why exactly is he so mad about this? He is getting all worked up about the mailman being here at the house he delivers to everyday. The mailman. He is upset about the mailman being here. He is upset about the mailman being here... again.
I gasped as I finally put the puzzle together. I had told Harry earlier than the mailman stopped by to say we have no mail, yet here he is with a handful of it. The letter I had received was what I had to lie to him about, but now that the mailman was here, I was busted. How could I not think about this?
The mailman comes here everyday in the afternoon and so it is usually me who answers the door for him. How could I not remember that? I cursed myself before finally deciding to look up at Harry in the eye, making me immediately regret it.
"I didn't think we would have mail today" Harry commented, surprisingly calm. He reached out and grabbed the pile of mail sorting through the names.
"Why wouldn't you have mail, sir? You get some everyday" the mailman commented making Harry chuckle and looked at me sinistely.
"That is exactly what I was thinking" he said making a shiver go down my spine. I was caught in my own lie... again.
"Right, well I better get going. Bye Harlan, bye Arabella" he said before turning around and walking down the front steps. The use of the name 'Harlan' threw me off for a second before I remembered, not everybody is in Harry's gang.

Excessive (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Fanfiction"I have been watching you for a while now, my love" he whispered darkly in my ear. "Why are you doing this to me" I squeaked, earning a low chuckle from him. "Because" he said, moving his hands from the wall above my head and down my bod...