My eyes were heavy as I tried to blink rapidly to find relief in my tired, sore pupils. I didn't get a single ounce of much needed rest as I tossed and turned half the night, thinking about all the drama that had taken place yesterday and basically all this week.
Finding out about Luchesi early in the week, then finding out about the beautiful art room that Harry has made my head spin, never mind finding out that Harry's mother was alive, and that I had met her without even knowing, from his abusive older brother.
I wish that I could fall asleep and be at peace for a little while, but it was already 10:00 and I could hear Harry cursing up a storm downstairs from all the way in my bedroom. God knows what he is doing, and from his temper last night, I could only conclude that it had carried over this morning as well.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed and attempted at one of those 'messy buns' that Sophia is always sporting. After multiple failed buns with too much hair sticking out, I decided to just put it in a ponytail and march my way out of my room with the pajamas I changed into in the middle of the night clinging to my body.
Once my door was open, the smell of burnt toast filled my nostrils as I neared closer towards the stairs. So Harry decided to cook, interesting. I walked down the hallway and descended the stairs hearing curse words string from Harry's lips.
As I entered the kitchen, I was met with Harry's bare back over the sink dumping the contents from his plate into the garbage disposable. His bare muscles strained as his irritation had been rising, while his black basketball shorts had adorned lowly on his waist.
I walked closer into the kitchen, making my appearance more known. He turned around to look at me as a scowl took over his already frowning lips. His curls shook with his head as he slammed the plate in the sink and turned back to face me with crossed arms.
"I burnt my fücking toast" he said dryly making me laugh. "It isn't funny" he said with angry eyebrows.
"No it isn't, but you said it funny" I said covering my mouth with my hand.
He stood there with his scowl still sitting on his lips while his arms were crossed rightly over his broad chest. It was funny to watch him pout like a child over toast even though his physical features were nothing anywhere similar to one of a child.
"Trying to get me to laugh won't make me any nicer towards you" he said making my laughter halt immediately.
"Harry..." I said making him growl.
"No, damnit you know how I feel about Luchesi but you constantly feel the need to push for answers, some in which I don't even have but that's not the point. The point is, I hate when you do that" he said, immediately jumping right back where we left off.
"Do what?" I asked, feeling slightly offended at his language.
"Snoop! You are literally the nosiest person I have ever met! You went through my phone, you pushed to see my room, you always beg me to tell you everything going on, do you ever think that maybe I don't want to tell you" he said biting his bottom lip harshly.
"I just assume you would want to get that off your chest, you know? Tell someone your problems" I said making him shake his head.
"Well you assumed wrong because I do not want that" he growled out.
"Yes you do, you are lying to yourself" I said making him throw his arms up in the air.
"No Arabella! See this is where you are wrong! You try to tell me what I am thinking and what to do! I'm not Seth and Elliot, I refuse to let you push me around!" he yells making me immediately shoot into defense mode.

Excessive (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Fanfiction"I have been watching you for a while now, my love" he whispered darkly in my ear. "Why are you doing this to me" I squeaked, earning a low chuckle from him. "Because" he said, moving his hands from the wall above my head and down my bod...