Chapter 46.

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A/N: The picture above or to the side is Luchesi! He is played by Alex Pettyfer!!!


My mouth opened and closed but none of the words or thoughts from my brain were connecting to my lips. Luchesi was standing right in front of me. Harry's abusive older brother was standing here looking directly at me. The air from my lungs was pushed out and I gasped for it greedily like a fish out of water. How did this even happen all so quickly?

Scott and I were walking out of the club, he looked nothing even close to Luchesi, with his dark hair and eyes, so there is no room for a mix up. Then all the sudden we walk around the front and Luchesi pops out of nowhere. Where is Scott? Did Luchesi knock him out to try to get to me? Was Scott working with Luchesi this whole time and set up this plan? I shook the thoughts from my head before looking at him once more.

"L-Luchesi" I whispered into the cold air as I studied his facial features.

He definitely had Harry's sharp jaw line and in the lighting he is in now, the same eye color as well, there's no doubt about that. He was tall, but I knew Harry was taller maybe by a couple inches at most. Luchesi was built a bit more than Harry and had a wider shoulder stance. The only thing I couldn't wrap my head around was the blonde hair. Where in the world did that come from? Weren't both of his parents brunettes?

"Staring is impolite, doll. Didn't Harry teach you better" Luchesi said lowly, his voice trying to threaten me.

"W-What are you doing here? Where is Scott?" I asked frantically looking around for the familiar dark hair.

"Don't worry about him, he's fine. The real question is.. What are you doing here?" he asked snidely making me want to shiver in my place.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. My voice had been shaky since the moment I caught a glimpse of him.

"Shouldn't you be with Harry right now?" he teased in an annoying voice. I already hate him. "Oh wait, didn't he order you to stay upstairs with Louis... Hmm, would you look how that turned out" he said slyly making my irritation begin to grow quickly.

"Why are you really here? What do you want from Harry?" I asked with as much confidence I could pull from myself.

"You wouldn't understand, it's too complicated for you to comprehend. Do you even know who I am?" he asked with a smirk making me want to coward away from him. He was treating me like a child which only made my aggravation grow stronger.

When I first met Harry, all he did was degrade me and lower my self-confidence. Since then, we have grown to deal with each other and tolerate the others differences without screaming at each other. Granted, we are two completely different people and we do have our disagreements, like we had earlier in the club. But I have learned more about Harry then anybody else around him.

"I know you're Harry's brother" I said making his eyebrows raise in shock.

"I'm impressed he's told you already. You must be good in bed to get it out of him" he said with that sinister smirk. I growled and before I could even stop myself, my hands planted onto his shoulders and I pushed back with all my might, hoping that he would topple over.

His large body was nowhere near the ground which didn't surprise me at all. What did shock me was that his body was pushed back, nowhere close to falling over, but he did stumble back. Once he re-gained his balance and straightened out his shirt, he looked at me with shock eyes yet a contradicting smirk plastered on his face.

"Wow, you're a feisty little thing, aren't you?" he said walking closer towards me. "That must be why Harry keeps you around, huh?" he says approaching me.

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