Chapter 73.

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Luchesi Styles

Another fücking day that I have to hear Harry rub one out through the paper fücking thin walls. Like seriously what the fück. He is a rich fücking prïck why are his walls not soundproof. I swear one day I'm going to fücking record him just so I can embarrass him in front of Arabella. Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Maybe I'll save recording him for another day, but the embarrassing him part is what I really want to do.

I walked outside my room to Harry's to listen against the door. I swear to god if he is watching porn.. I turned the knob quietly before slamming it open.

"Hey what's up?" I screamed seeing Harry nearly jump off the bed.

"What the fück!" Harry said, his hand pulling from his pants.

Luckily, his hand was in his pants rather than his pants at his ankles. But the whole situation was still funny.

"You asshole, get the fück out!" he screamed making me laugh.

"You're the asshole, you were just caught with your hands down your pants!" I yelled making him growl.

"Get the fuck out!" he screamed, jumping off the bed and storming towards me.

"Don't worry, Ara will be home soon" I teased as he pushed me out the door.

"Out" he said shoving me away from his door.

I snickered to myself as he slammed the door in my face. With a satisfied smirk, I walked towards the staircase and down the stairs. It sucks that Harry has to have blue balls these two weeks, but he can't keep loudly jacking it in the room next to me, without me at least saying something.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a beer before sitting on the stools near the island.

Ara needs to come home so this kid can start functioning properly.


I ran down the stairs as the doorbell had rung. My heart was beating really fücking fast and considering it's only the boys that's coming is giving me more anxiety.

After Luchesi interrupted my jack off session, I immediately had to take a cold shower. I can't jump back into it after being interrupted and there's no way I'm going to fücking wait like an asshole for it to go away. Plus I'm pretty sure I haven't showered in at least four days.

I saw Luchesi disappear into the office as I opened the door. The first thing I noticed was both of my dogs on the leash held in Zayn's hand. A scowl was on his face as he handed the leash over to me.

"They are fücking gross" he said making me laugh.

"What did they do?" I asked as he walked in with the boys following.

"They shit all over my carpets" he said as the boys laughed behind him.

"Well did you take them out?" I asked.

"No, I put down a trash bag for them to shit on" he said making me roll my eyes.

"They go outside not on fücking trash bags" I said.

We all walked into the kitchen, where immediately Niall grabbed some beers. I took a sip of mine as both Liam and Zayn lit up a cigarette. I wanted to do the same but incase I had to break up a fight, I needed both of my hands in order to stop any one of these boys.

"So, what are we here for?" Liam asked, blowing the smoke from his lungs.

"Before I say anything, I want all of you to put every weapon on you on this table" I said pointing to the counter.

"What?" Louis asked, as their confused faces watched me.

"Just do it" I said making them all begin to pull things from their clothing.

Louis pulled out a pocket knife and a handgun from his waist band. Zayn two handguns from both sides of his jeans and a knife from his pocket. Some fücking how, Liam pulled three guns from his pants which I have to say is pretty impressive. And Niall being the fücking ass he is pulled out some square boxes of ammo.

"Really?" I asked as he shrugged.

"I was running late" he said.

"So what do you want to tell us?" Zayn asked, putting his cigarette out on the counter.

"Follow me" I said walking past them and too the office. I know they probably all think I'm crazy, which I probably am, but I really don't give a fück.

"What is going on H?" Niall asked.

"Not a single person make any move when I open this door" I said not even bothering to look back at their faces.

I opened the door and saw Luchesi standing near my desk. He watched as the boys walked in. All of their jaws dropped as he stood confident at the front of them room. Before I could even stop him, I saw Niall pull out a pocket knife from his sock.

"What the fück!" he screamed, making me want to kill him.

"Niall!" I yelled knocking the knife out of his hand and on the floor.

"What the fück is going on?" Liam asked, looking back and forth between Luchesi and I.

"Just sit down and let me talk" I growled, walking over to my desk.

I pushed Luchesi out of my way, so I could lean on front. They sat down, keeping dagger eyes on Luchesi. They did not expect him to be here at all.

"So I have a bit of explaining.." I began

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