My eyes blinked open as the fogginess of the morning ran over me. I expected to look up and see the same white wall that I had stared at for two weeks, but instead I saw the familiar door that was shut tight to the December air. I turned my head to see Harry's tangled curls splayed out on the pillow while snores escaped from his wet lips. His chest was covered in a white hoodie while his grey sweatpants were hidden under the sheets.
I know that he will be up very soon. He always seems to sense when I am up and the moment that I am he is up and alert. So while he was contently sleeping I watched all of his features carefully. The multiple piercings around his lips moved while he snored and the bar through his eyebrow would move up and down as he furrowed and un-furrowed his eyebrows. It was like watching a scene out of a movie. His aggravation from Luchesi last night seemed to fade away after a nights rest.
After Luchesi stormed into the room, he proceeded to 'bust Harry's balls' as he would say and tantalize him the entire night about his 'obsessive masturbation problem'. Harry sat the whole night trying his hardest to come back with insults before finally giving up and sitting with a deadly look at Luchesi as the fun was continued to be poked at him. Once he went off to bed Harry let all his string out in a mess of cuss words and mumbling nothing.
As I sat in the bed, I felt it shift a little as Harry began to stir awake. His eyes blinked open as he came back out of his sleepy daze. His head shot up and he looked around the room like an alert puppy looking for its owner before looking down at me and sighing. He laid back down and face me with sleepy eyes and pouty lips before his morning voice rasped in the silence.
"Good Morning.." he mumbled, wrapping his arms around my body.
"Good Morning" I chirped, laying my head on his chest.
"Mhm, you're warm.." he said pulling me closer and slipping his large hand up the back of the sweatshirt of his that he let me borrow.
We laid like that for a while, just being able to touch each other again was the best feeling in the world. We both knew that today was the day of the dreaded talk, so we clung on to each other in case our fight went a different way then we planned. I could tell he hasn't showered in a while considering his hair was greasy and he was starting to smell like sweat and boy.
"You need a shower, your face is going to break out if you don't wash it" I warned making him groan and shake his head.
"I don't want to get up.." he whined clinging to me tighter.
"But you need to.. you smell" I said whispering the last part.
"Can you shower with me?" he asked making me sigh and close my eyes.
The thought of seeing Harry in his full glory is something anybody would love to see, but I have to remember why I'm here and what I have to do. Today is the day I need to have my talk with him and I can't do that if his naked glory is still fresh in my mind. I sighed and ran my fingers through his shirt curls.
"No Harry, I will not shower with you.." I said making him whine into my neck.
"Please.." he begged childishly making me giggle.
"No.." I said back making him groan.
"Can you at least sit in the bathroom while I shower.." he asked making me sigh.

Excessive (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Fanfiction"I have been watching you for a while now, my love" he whispered darkly in my ear. "Why are you doing this to me" I squeaked, earning a low chuckle from him. "Because" he said, moving his hands from the wall above my head and down my bod...