Chapter 47.

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Unedited sorry!

I knew exactly what he was doing, he did this every time he was in the wrong. He would blow his top and curse me out in the most vulgar, disgusting way he could and then believe he can solve all his problems with a kiss or loving behavior, but there is no way I will allow it to happen.

With as much strength as I could, I pushed my hands against his broad shoulders as his stayed tight, wrapped around my neck. With a harsh shove, his body tumbled back a little, just enough for me to wiggle my neck out of his large palms and duck out of his grip.

Just as quick as the scene played out, Harry quickly tried to fight his way back to my lips as I backed as far as I could away from him. His frame came after mine as I tried my hardest to get away from the intimidating man. I guess we are back to where we started.

"No Harry, you don't get to do this" I said to him, making him stop in his tracks.

"What do you mean?" he said, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You don't get to scream at me and say you hate me then kiss me. Nope, not happening" I said crossing my arms over my chest to prove my point.

"You better watch your mouth right now. I'm wound up and really fücking angry, don't push me any further" he spit out venomously.

"See what I mean! You say things like that then tomorrow you will make up some sob story to make me feel pity for you" I said back to him, instantly regretting it.

His face formed into something I couldn't even think of how to describe. His nostrils were flared and his jaw was clenched so tight, I thought his teeth would crack. Both fists were at his sides but I could tell he was really wanting to use them even against myself. He looked terrifying.

"Are you calling my abusive childhood a sob story?" he questioned in a low, dark voice. My blood ran cold at the threat as I swallowed down all my nerves.

"No I'm not and you're doing it right now" I mumbled, staring at his dark eyes.

"Doing what?" he spit back, louder this time.

"Trying to make feel guilty" I said back, making his eyebrows raise.

"Why is that?" he said . "Why would you feel guilty, you claim that you didn't just call my childhood a sob story, yet you feel guilty about it. That just doesn't seem right to me" he said

"That's not the point, Harry. You can't just kiss me to solve all your problems" I said back making him roll his eyes.

"So what, your acting like its such a big deal. They don't mean anything so why should it matter anyway" he said making my stomach sink.

I didn't feel anything for Harry, not in the slightest, but for some reason those words hit to close for it to not effect me. He is cruel, harsh, and evil and whatever I thought I could do to stop him flew right out the door the moment Luchesi stepped into that club. Its all his fault.

"I'm not doing this anymore its late, you're being disgusting, and all I want to do is go to sleep" I said with a sigh, realizing my defeat.

"Whatever" he said.

I walked passed his and out of his room. His door slammed behind me and I knew then and there, he was back to his old self, maybe he never really changed. I began walking back towards my room shaking my head at my judgment, he will never ever change.

Once I walked into my room, I immediately took notice of the temperature change in the room. I looked over to see the balcony door wide open and the cold nighttime breeze pouring into my once heated room. Did I forget to shut the door when I left?

As I walked towards the door with chattering teeth, I saw a silhouette through the door. I know I should call for Harry but after the fight we just got in, I seem to be on my own. With as much courage as I could, I peeked my head around the corner to see the person on my balcony.

"I hear you Arabella" the familiar voice called out to me.


I stepped out to get a full glimpse of the man as turned to look at me. My heart was beating in my chest. How in the world did he ever end up in my room out of all places. I walked towards the railing, but kept my distance from his built frame.

"How did you get here?" I asked quietly looking out in the cold air.

"He didn't close his garage door, walked right on it. I heard you two fighting so I decided I didn't want to disturb" he said casually, shrugging his shoulders.

"He will literally kill you once he knows you are here" I said making him roll his eyes.

"So you are going to go tell him? After the fight you two were just in? Please." he said with a smirk.

I bit my lip and stood in silence. It's true, I wouldn't dare walk anywhere near Harry after the scene of anger and pure disgust that had just played out between the two of us. He was way too angry and I was being a snoop and we both exploded harsher than bombs.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"That is a little to difficult to answer, love" he said making me sigh.

"You seem to have a purpose of getting to Harry" I said making him suck in a sharp breath.

"That is not my intentions, how he takes my arrival is all on him but I am not here to fück with him" he said making me look at him peculiarly.

"Again, so why are you here?" I asked becoming annoyed with the answers that were given to me.

"I need him back on my side, he can't hate me forever and I don't want him to. What I did to him is wrong and its terrible that its just now that I'm releasing it" he said making me suck in a sharp breath.

"So you're here for an apology?" I asked making him chuckle to himself in a similar way Harry does.

"I don't apologies, baby. I am here for him to hear the truth, he needs to know" he said making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Needs to know what?" I asked making him shake his head.

"Not important to your ears" he said.

I knew he is stubborn just like his brother so I decided for once to not push him or make him tell me. Quite frankly, I don't know him well enough to force answers out of him, like Harry. But from how Harry acted tonight, I guess I don't know him too well after all.

As the silence flooded between us, I could practically feel my earlier tension float off me like a cloud and into the cold night. It terrified me that I could possibly feel somewhat relaxed right now, with Harry's brother standing right next to me, but at this point I didn't even care.

A ring from Luchesi's pocket interrupted the blissful silence. He curse to himself and reached into his pocket and pulled out the device. He took one look at the screen and rolled his eyes before pressing a button and shoving the phone back in his pocket.

"Mothers" he mumbled making me laugh, then all too soon stop.

Realization hit my brain and my eyes widened in my sockets as the air seemed to disappear from my lungs. My head snapped to face his body as he stood causally over the railing. He looked over at me with furrowed eyebrows and soon, realization had hit him just as hard as it hit me.

Sorry this is late and crappy! I was really tired today and it was a snow day and I had to do 101 things to get ready for my dance competition season so ughhh sorry!!!
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