"I guess Harlan is what he goes by over there now" I muttered making the man on the other side of the table immediately write that down on his notepad. "But you probably already know that""When was the last time you spoke to him?" he asked making me bit my lip and shrug.
"I don't remember, it was a while back" I said making the man pause his writing to look up at me.
"How can you not remember? Everybody remembers a conversation with Harlan Styles" he growled making me want to strangle his neck. I shook my head at my vulgar words before politely crossing my legs and placing my folded hands in my lap.
"Well I don't" I said making the man tug at the roots of his hair. "All I know is he is in Europe with the other boys in his gang"
"Oh yes I almost forgot about his boys" he said writing something down on his notepad. "Are you aware that he has a new girl at his house" he said making me roll my eyes.
"He has a new one every week" I said making the man sigh and put his pencil on top of the desk.
"This one is different, she has been there for almost a month. He had a blonde at the house one night, but I have a feeling she is dead" he said making me gasp but immediately cover it up with a cough.
"Do you know who the girl is?" I asked afraid of the answer.
"No" he said shaking his head. "She is close with Payne's girl, I know that. When they were hanging out at Harlan's house they left the gate open, but when I went in for a closer look she almost caught me, well Harlan's dogs almost did" he said making my eyes widen.
"Wow, he never had any animals in his house, other than himself" I said making him chuckle slightly.
"He never had a lot of things, until she came along" he said making me at loss for words. "Whoever she is, she must be important"
"Nobody is important to Harlan but himself" I said making him shrug and swallow thickly.
"I have a feeling this girl is different. I don't know what it is but I can sense it, I didn't get a good glimpse of her but from what I could tell she is very... uhm.. fragile" he said making me bit my lip in confusion.
"Why would he want to keep a girl at his house for that long? Better yet, why is she at the house?" I asked.
"Like I said she must be important. Maybe not to him but she must be important elsewhere" he said. "I'll try to look into it more, I'm going to Europe next month so I'll try to see what I can find" he said making me nod and begin to stand up.
"Be careful make sure he does not see you, you remember what happened last time" I warned making him roll his eyes.
"I know" he said grabbing the notebook and shoving it in his desk drawer. "Will I be seeing you again soon?" he asked making me smile.
"Well I have a few night shifts to work because of the holidays coming up..." I began. "...but I should be able to make some room after holiday" I said.
"Good" he said running a hand through his hair. "Until then, good-bye mum"
The rest of the night was basically all a blur. Harry had dragged me to the upstairs of the club to say our goodbyes to the boys and the other people who had known Harry. Me and Sophia weren't aloud to talk to each other but with a small nod I could almost read exactly what she was thinking.

Excessive (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Fanfiction"I have been watching you for a while now, my love" he whispered darkly in my ear. "Why are you doing this to me" I squeaked, earning a low chuckle from him. "Because" he said, moving his hands from the wall above my head and down my bod...