Chapter 78.

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Sometime a little after Harry entered the shower, did I finally decide to sneak downstairs. Luchesi had been already making breakfast which I was thankful for. He stood over the stove, black dress shirt tightly fitting across his muscular back as he proceeded to make an omelet. I walked over and sat at one of the stools, resting my head on the counter while he turned towards me.

"Long night?" he asked making me roll my eyes.

"No.. Just tired" I said making him raise his eyebrows.

"Did you talk to him yet?" he asked making me shake my head.

"Today we are, I'm just hoping we can just get it over with without a screaming match.." I said.

"Few days ago, you refused the idea of you accepting his apology.." he pointed out.

"Things change.." I mumbled as the hard footsteps slammed down the stairs.

I looked over to see Harry walk into the room, shirtless with his white t-shirt draped over his shoulder while a pair of jeans hung dangerously low on his hips showing the band of his boxers. His hair was still wet from his shower and the stubble that once adorned his cheeks had been cleanly shaven off. His feet were covered in his familiar black socks as he stomped his way through the kitchen.

He walked over to me and pressed a kiss to the top of my head before going over and stealing the omelet that was supposed to be mine. He came back around and sat down next to me, taking a forkful of his breakfast and eating it quickly.

"That's supposed to be mine" I teased making him roll his eyes.

"Fine" he said, taking another forkful and pressing it to my lips. I giggled and allowed him to feed me the bite as I knew Luchesi had been watching on.

"You two are gross.." he commented.

"Hey, guess what.." Harry began before sticking up his middle finger to his brother.

"Fück off.." Luchesi said, rolling his eyes and grabbing himself a bottle of water. "Arabella you should really get a better grip on that cöck of his if you want him to stay in line.." he commented making me gasp and Harry growl.

"Shut the fück up, prïck" he said making me giggle and rub his arm to calm him down.

"Whatever" Luchesi said rolling his eyes. "I'll be up in my room if you need anything, try not to kill each other" he winked making Harry scowl.

"I can't fücking stand him.." Harry commented once he had left the room, knowing all too well that Luchesi could probably hear him.

"You love him.." I giggled pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek before he slipped his shirt over his head.

We both continued to sit in the silence feeding each other breakfast and stealing a kiss or two. In a way, I wish we could both forget what happened in Italy considering we both know what we did was wrong, but I know that in the long run, talking it out this way will only help us even more. I sighed once the plate was empty and looked at Harry as we both knew that it was time.

"I really don't want to.." he whined making me shake my head.

"We have too.." I responded, getting up from the stool and pulling his hand with me.

We both walked into the living room where he sat on the famous leather chair that I had gotten in trouble for sitting in the first day I was here. I sighed and began to walk towards another couch as his hand immediately closed over my wrist and pulled me towards him. My eyes widened as he patted his lap with his plump bottom lip sticking out. I shakily sat on his left knee and let my legs rest on his right. His muscular arm wrapped around my waist as I placed mine around his neck.

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