chapter {13}

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"It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment pursuit."


I hate homework. Did I mention that? I grabbed the golden spiral bound book and flung it against the wall. It landed with a muffled thud and slid down the wall. I buried my head in my hands. I was extremely tired of all this extremely bloody boring homework.

I peeled myself out of my comfy armchair and trudged towards my book. I stretched my arms until I firmly grasped the leather bound book.
I paused. Behind the book was a crack in the marble that snaked up through the fire place. Confusion spiked my veins. Why was there a sudden crack? Looking closer, I realized that the crack had a faint outline of a square. I frowned. This was so out of place.

I flashed backed to when I was little and even still now, where I would would Law and Order or CSI Miami. There was always an episode all the famous crime movies where the detective found the hidden stash of money or drugs. It was always in a disguised secret hiding spot.

I brushed my hands across the crack. It was very narrow, no way to possibly get a hand in. I shrugged. What if this was just a random crack? Or, what if it's something more? A nagging voice at the back of my head wanted me to explore this crack. I sighed with immense frustration. I felt like I was over thinking it and I should go back to study...but we all have that side which craves mystery and excitement. I bit my lip thoughtfully. What harm would it come if I were to further investigate this? I mean , this is my house. I can't get charged with treason.

I took a step back and carefully narrowed my eyes at the spot of the Scene. Okay, I concluded this wasn't an accident nor was this crack out of place. You couldn't notice this crack unless you were paying attention to the stone. I mean no one does so.. It seemed ideal for a secret panel. The crack was as like a fine hair and stopped abruptly at the edge of the marble.

I swiftly ran the tips of my fingers along the crack. I began to grow frustrated when nothing surfaced. I was about to give up, when a flash in the fire place caught my attention. I looked at the fire pit. Had I imagined it?

I stepped closer and kneeled in front of the fire place. I tentatively placed my hand on the back of the fire place. Nothing but cool cut marble welcomed my fringes tips. I slid my hand a little lower and then surprised when a button could be felt. I pushed it and took a step back.

Nothing happened.

I cursed quietly, and decided to give up my hopes of finding something. I looked up at the walls and noticed that the shadows from around the room casted strange silhouettes. The shadows thrown from the lights displayed a strange eerie glow around the room. I jumped when I heard the wind howl outside... Slowly whispering the lost secrets. This big lone room no longer looked pleasing. For once I could see how dark and empty it was. I grabbed my book and restrained my self from running out of here. I turned the lights off and was about to shut the door when the sound of gears turning
and an echoing snap was heard.

I gasped, feeling my heart claw its way down into my stomach. Goosebumps formed on my neck and every logical part of myself was screaming "run" but I was glued to the spot. I didn't know what to think.

My heart was rapidly banging against my rib cage like a caged angry lion. I ceased my breathing and the eerie silence waved across the whole room. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
I tightened my grip on my thick bounded book.

"Onyx?" The silence was broken my mother walking down the hall, looking worried.

"Oh dear! That's where you are. I've been searching everywhere for you."

I rolled my eyes. "I told you mom i would be in here."

"Of course." She frowned. "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? Is everything all right?"

My eyes widened slightly. I couldn't tell her that I suspect something wasn't kosher here. I just shrugged. "I was uh just checking if the windows were closed." I lied smoothly without missing a beat.

She bobbed her head in agreement. "Of course dear. Come." She ushered me towards her.

I stood back. "uhm let me grab my phone and I'll be out."

Without waiting for her response, I headed back in this creepy room. Right in place of where the crack was, a ordinary key sat on top of an ebony velvet pillow.

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