chapter {6} part two

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"I think... Yes." Her positive answer made this awkward speech totally worth it. I kissed her and sighed in a contented silence. She smiled but something was off...

Onyx's father stood up soon after for a speech.

"Can I have your attention? Please, thank you." Everyone directed their attention to the president.

He cleared his throat and continued. "Congratulations to Luke and Onyx. I'm sure they will be happy for many years with blessings to come. Oh, and I'm sure I'll get a grandkid named after me." The crowd laughed at his expense and he continued.

"I know many of you have been worried about the murder but we have gotten it under control. On Friday, the murder will be tried and later be executed."

Sighs of relief were heard all throughout the crowd.

The president raised his glass of wine and we all followed. "To Luke and Onyx and the safety and security of our country."

I turned to my side to raise my glass to Onyx. "To us and-" I stopped speaking as I saw Onyx freeze. Her breathing erratically sped up and she had a haunted look in her eyes. Before I could ask what was wrong, she dropped her wine glass. The loud shattering of the glass rang throughout the room, bringing unwanted attention to us. Onyx had her lips pursed as she stood up.

AN'S:// CHAPTER SIX ALL READY. Whoop! Heh heh... I feel so accomplished! PART ONE HAD 2,739 WORDS. LIKE WOHA WHOA!!! I usually never finish things but ehhh... I gotta do this. XD

(Also, this is part one and part two because I think it was toooo long so wattpad made me split it up.)

I know I was suppose to have a schedule down by last chapter but I couldn't because I didn't know when I could. So basically I'll try to have multiple updates and as you guys all ready know, my chapter are long. Like freaking tape worm long lol. My chapters all have something to do with the plot and if you pay attention carefully, you'll notice.

Another thing, guys could you please please please WITH cherry on top vote and comment? I'm happy with just voting too ^^ so please vote because it takes days to write these chapters and it takes 10 seconds to vote. They also make my day and inspire me to continue writing. They give me my motivation. SO click that {vOtE bUtToN} thanks ily if you do :)

Last thing,

Ahhh... Anyone else DIE at the baby penguin in a tux? OMG... Excuse me... *goes off to scream because ISN'T THAT ADORABLE? VOTE IF YOU AGREE.* >>> Clicks vote 1,00000000 time.

Well happy reading and enjoy your summer!

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