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There was nothing better then to be home with my family. I took off my shoes and announced my presence.

"Honey! I'm home!" I ventured further into the house and a delicious aroma of what I'm willing to bet on was dinner. It excited my taste buds so much I started drooling. The smell was so intense that my stomach sat back on its hind legs howling for a bite. As it verbalized it's complaint of hunger, I decided that was the last time I was going to skip on meals.

Instead of hearing any voices, I heard and then soon saw three very excited children bounding down the stairs and into my arms.

"Daddy!" A little blond girl giggled as she made her way to me.

I scooped her up and spun her around until she squealed at me to stop. "Daddy I'm a big girl now."

I chuckled and mused my daughter's hair.

"Of course Princess." She smiled at her nickname.

"Ahh, the men of the family. I'm proud of you boy." I gently nudged my younger sons. Harry grinned up at me while Marcel hid his blushing face.

"Hey help mum set the table." Gemma, Harry, and Marcel let out groans of protest but I firmly pointed them into the direction of the dining room table.

I walk in and see Anne finishing dinner. I decided to surprise her. I crept ever so slowly behind her and wrapped my arms around her slim waist.

"Boo." I let my breath hit her ear and saw her visible shudder.

She scowled and hit me with her spatula. "Kennedy! You rat! Let go of me!" She tried to feign anger but humor slipped into her badly masked façade. I kissed the junction on where her jaw met her neck.

"Of course my sweet." She crinkled her nose at my ridiculous pet name and wriggled out of my arms.

"Haha. Go sit down at the table." Anne rolled her eyes and demanded that I do as i was told. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh and who-?"

A sudden sharp rap on our front door halted my words. Whoever they were, they were impatient. "Alright alright! I'm coming" I moved my way from the kitchen to the front door.

I held the door opened a crack and look at the two men who were staring at me. "Yes?" I asked.

The tall one, with a stiff curled mustache fixed his tie and looked down at his clipboard. "Is this the house of Kennedy Styles?"

Before I had a chance to answer, the other man grabbed my face and squinted his eyes at my features. "Of course it is!" He exclaimed. "These green eyes are unique to their family."

He said their like my family was some dirty vermin of the earth. In anger, I tore myself from his grip. "Excuse me sir!" I took a couple of steps back from him. I was about to slam the door in their face when one of them caught the door with his foot.

"Not so fast."

I grumbled and gave them a sour expression.

"Well," the tall one continued, "'you're under arrest."

I stilled. The blood in my veins turned cold.
I saw them whip out some handcuffs from their coats. I had two decisions here. Run or let them take me away. As tempting as running was, I couldn't leave my family to any revenge not paid on me.

I could vaguely hear a confused Harry screaming and asking his mother what was happening.

"Now you can do this the easy way of the hard way..."

I stuck out my wrists.

"Good." The fat short man nodded in approval. Oh how I wanted to roast him on a fire and stick an apple in his mouth. He was such a pig. He had the ruddy red cheeks and the beady black eyes.

"No!" I felt a force of a sudden earthquake hit my legs. I looked down and saw my son grabbing my legs with tears streaming down his face.

"Daddy! Daddy! Where are you going? Mommy said they were taking you away! Daddy?!? Take me too?"

He was confused and was fiercely clutching my legs. I chuckled at his protectiveness.

"Harry, it'll just be for a little while. It's like a sleepover. I'll be back soon."

Yet, as much as I tried to soothe him, he stubbornly shook his head. "No! These are the bad guys!"

"Now kid, your dad is a bad man. He-"

Harry raised his head from my legs and glared with such venom at the man. "Don't you dare talk about my father like that."

The man gave the poor little more such a cruel smile. One before the snake attacks its prey.

"And what's gonna stop me from saying what I want kid?"

Harry paused for a moment before thinking about these words. He motioned for the man to come closer. The man chuckled and bent down so he was eye level to Harry.

My son immediately grabbed his tie and slammed his face on the concrete steps on the door. Harry kicked his face twice before his mother pulled him away.

"Son of a bitch!" Blood was pouring down the guys face and I couldn't help but smile. That was my son. I was never prouder.

The other guy grabbed my shoulder and slapped the cuffs on. "Move." He shoved me down the steps and towards his car.

The one man cradled his broken nose in his hand and muttered a string of curses. I saw aHarry have a look of sorrow of my leaving and his mother having lines of worry etched across her beautiful face.

They shoved me in the back of their car and made me put on a paper bag. I know exactly why they were here. I knew I had failed. My heart broke a little at my little family outside in the yard looking at me with confusion and heart break.

"I'm sorry." I softly said to myself.

Suddenly, a big blow was landed to my head. I got dizzy and everything went black.

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