chapter {2}

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"Prisons are cages but for others, safe havens."
I knew my father was harsh and always carried out what he threatened to do but the prisons were a whole different level of cruel.

The prison was delved underground and it was dark, stinky, and moldy. I gagged from the stench of unwashed bodies and stale urine. I nearly fainted but forced one foot in front of another.
I pushed the door forward and the drip drop of runoff water was heard. I grabbed a nearby torch and watched it illuminate my silhouette;careful to not make myself known to the guards. I grimaced at the mildew slithering up the filthy walls of prison. I shuddered. I'm glad I'm not a prisoner.

The uneven paved dirt beneath my feet made walking very difficult. The broken stone bits and clustered rocks could make you fall and hurt you, if you aren't careful. Noting these disgusting revolting conditions, I remembered to never do anything that provoked my father's nerves.

I softly tip toed on the long never ending corridor when the guards approached a different section of the prison I never knew existed. The path forked into a left and a right and they choose the dark, unlit path of the left. I hesitated a second but quickly followed, not wanting to lose them. Soon enough, the weak pale yellow light from a flickering lamp brightened the room.

Torture devices of all kinds hung on the walls. I flinched when I noticed dried blood splattered on the walls and mace thingies. Old wooden Whipping posts and rotting gallows were scattered around the room.

Bile rose in my throat at this newly discovered room. Large spikes decorated the walls and sections of the floor. I nearly let out a scream when I heard a muffled CRUNCH snap under my feet. I lifted my foot and peeked down at the crushed object. A hollow skull that was dented and fractured in unnatural angles was wedged between a stone. I was relived when the guards passed through this room to another.
The guards continued on in this frightful place until they reached the destination. It was one of the special solitary cell in its own little corner. It was ususally reserved for the people that would definitely receive death as a punishment. These types of cells were hardly ever used because people were so terrified of my father and his wrath if they were to ever step out of line.
I hid behind a column and caught a glimpse of them roughly pushing the convict and shutting the door in place. They spit curses at him and laughed. Then they spun on their heels and walked an alternate exit out of the prisons.
Once I deemed it safe, I carefully made my way to the cell. He laid on the tiny cot with his eyes closed and his breathing slow. I was about to leave, for I didn't want to disturb his peaceful slumber when he said, "Don't go."
I froze in my tracks and turned. "What?"
Amusement laced his words when he replied, "Don't you speak English? I said don't leave."
He hopped off from his bed and moved towards the bars.
We just stood there staring at each other. Me with uncertainty and curiously while he had determination and calmness reflected on his face.
I gathered some courage and scraped my self-esteem off the floor and gently grasped his chin in my hand and forced his head up.
"What's your name?" I asked, my voice soft.
He warily lifted his head and gazed into my eyes and cocked his head to the side. His chocolate curls tilted to the side and he said, "Harry. Harry Styles."
I didn't notice it before but he had an English accent that was so
He could have insulted me and it would have still sounded like music or beautiful poetry coming from his mouth.
I broke out into a grin. "Harry. I like it. It suits you."
He smirked and tilted his head. "I suppose you aren't allowed here since you followed us in secret, are you princess?"
I blushed at his comment and he wasn't even trying. "How'd you know?"
He laughed and it sounded like the musical wind chimes blowing on a windy day; making all those wonderful clinking ringing noises.
He threw his head back and he smiled. "Because you couldn't be more obvious."
I awkwardly shuffled my feet and avoided his intense green stare.
Why was I hear again? I was staring to regret coming here...
"So princess, what's your name?"
I snapped my head up and fumbled with my hands. "Onyx. Onyx Bianchi."
Shock littered his face but he soon quickly recovered. His eyes narrowed and he hissed. He growled like he was a caged animal in a zoo. He jumped back from me and was in the farthest corner away from me. All the friendly playfulness from 5 minutes ago evaporated and I was left with an angry convict.
"Get the hell away from me. You're a selfish self conceited bitch. All you ever think about is yourself. All you fucking rich people are all the same. Stupid and born with the whole fucking world wrapped around your finger. Born with the golden spoon in your mouth. Living the best privileged life. And to top it all off, you're related to the fucking bastard that put me in here and I bet you'll go tattle your damn about off right? More like a creation after him fucking your mother. " He snorted and then continued. "Go ahead. You filthy disgusting bitch." He spat his eyes smoldering with anger.
"But see-" My eyes had that familiar pricking feeling when I was about to burst into tears. I bit my lip and felt the sting of his words. It hurt more then anything.
He tensed up and announce harshly,
"Get the hell out right now or else I will call out for the guards."
I frowned and turned to walk away. No. I wouldn't be pushed away like that and let him get the wrong idea of me. It was a bitch move I know, but I had to straightened some things out before I left.
"No." I angrily twisted around and pointed my finger at him.
"No," I repeated. "I will not leave. I will not let a mere prisoner or murder tell me when and when I can not leave. Listen here Harry, you didn't even let me finish. I was here and risked my neck to be here so I could apologize for my father's cruelty. I was also going to say, I am nothing at all like my father.
I am ashamed to even have him as my father or more like a super rich sperm donor okay. He's a fucking sick bastard and you almost killing him, yeah it's murder, but he probably deserved it. I don't what he has done to you or even your family but I know he's isn't innocent. I'm sorry you view me like him and I feel offended. I hope you enjoy your stay at the prison. I'm sure it's something you're use to. Also, I hope the accommodations meet your pathetic low standards," I declared.
Full of anger and fury, I stormed towards the door not looking back.
"Onyx! Wait!" I stopped but had my back facing Harry.
Oh shit. I messed up big time. After hearing her revelation, I sat back stunned. I tried to ignore the fact that she raised her nose up at me haughtily like I expected of rich people but I pushed it out of my mind. I misjudged her totally.
Now, here she was, pissed the fuck at me and walked out.
"Onyx! Wait!" I called out to her and she stopped, her back stiff.
I sighed. I pushed my ego aside and began to apologize. "Onyx please turn around. I'm sorry."
She just stood there. "Onyx, let me explain. I'm sorry and I take all of that back and you aren't anything like your father. I'm so sorry. I was just afraid and scared."
She flicked her eyes to my face and her eyes softened a bit at my pleading eyes.
She sighed and she just stood there. I took that time to enjoy her beauty. She had a shapely backside and it made me frown seeing her in that type of dress, knowing she would he running around the estate dressed like that.
I felt very bad saying those words to her. She didn't deserve those words being said to her. I was just speechless when she told me she was a Bianchi. Man, did I hate those people and that family but I suppose she was different?
I ran a hand through my head stressfully and frowned. She's been standing there not saying anything. Should I say something?
"Onyx... I'm so so very very very more than you can believe sorry. I can't do anything more then apologize, please accept it." I added softly.
She balled her fists and walked out without a second glance.
"Fuck!" I slammed my fist down upon the wall and then regretted it. I cringed and nursed my injured hand and sat down.
I should have known. Great, she hates me. I sadly looked at the floor and collapsed.
AN'S:// HELLO!! So heh, here's chapter 2, prison talks. I hoped you all like it! So for my updating schedule... It's kind of hard to see how it'll all work but after chapter 5 I'll let you know. I'm on break right now so whoooo hoooo. It's amazing and I have plenty of time to write. I should have my 3rd chapter up soon. I also apologize in advance for all my future typos and mistakes. I usually write them at night hah... Half asleep. But thank you for reading (:

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