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"Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings."



My siblings and I, sat gathered around the television watching our favorite tv show. Mom and dad should could home any moment now from mom's doctor's appointment. The door clicking alerted us that they have arrived. I scrambled up on my feet to greet the crestfallen face of my mother and an unreadable expression lands on my father's face.

"Mom?" I was the first one to speak.

She didn't meet my eyes.

"Mommy, how did it go?" Asked Xander.

She sighed. "I've been diagnosed with cancer. I don't have a lot of time left." A stunned silence overtook us.

Xavier started bawling. I ran and clung to my mother's legs as if my life depended upon it.

"YOU WILL LIVE." My father screamed those words out and stormed out of the room.

1 year later ******

"I'm sorry sweetie." He finished up doing his daily check. The doctor managed to shoot a sympathetic smile before discreetly leaving. Like that would help. He must have been used to dying patients and melodramatic family members.
I rushed to the bed side. Her beautiful sparkling blue eyes were closed, hidden from view. Her face bleak and pale, hair spread out like a fan or like an angel's halo.

"Mommy please, we're begging you." I gripped her hand tighter, almost cutting the circulation off. Tears swarmed my eyes but I refused to acknowledge that she lay dying.

"Mom please! Wake up! Yell at me! I don't care!" I grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "Please mom," I begged, tears streaming down my face. I kissed her cheek.

I watched through my blurred vision, the monitor beat in time with her heart. It was the metronome of death. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. I imagined this the sound of death, footsteps that told you that time was literally, slipping away. It didn't matter, my family had more money then a lot of other countries but yet, here she was, dying and all the money I'm the world won't help her.
The pace of beeping has dramatically dropped in the past few minutes. I could have yelled and jumped up and down but she wouldn't response, she was in a deep a coma for the past 2 months. I visited her every single day clinging hopelessly to the idea that she would awake. The doctors already told us it was virtually impossible.

At first, it seemed she was getting progressively better with her basic treatments. Her hair grew back, she regained her glow, she laughed more, she didn't ache anymore and wasn't bedridden all the time. We were all happy. We thought we could forget about the cancer and move on with our lives.


Until 3 months ago.

Her cancer attacked her with glee and left her nearly dead. The doctors were left with no other option but to perform and highly dangerous life risking surgery if the patient wasn't strong enough to handle it. If her body rejected the surgery then all hope would be lost. My father pushed for the surgery and now, she lay dying.
Her doctor's said that her body didn't reject nor accept the surgery. So she laid in this in between stage of life and death. It seems, she wanted to join the dead.

I paced around the room angry with her. Angry that she has this cancer. Angry that she is dying. Angry that the doctors can't save her. But most of all, anger at myself. If I spent a little more time with her or if I had paid closer attention...

I nearly imploded from all these ideas.
I turned back to my mom, one last time.

"Please mom. I know you're in there. Fight back to us. We still have Christmas to look forward. You have to go to Xavier and Xander's next week's soccer game. C'mon mom. I know you can hear this. I love you. Do it for me, dad, the boys! Use everyone's love to bring yourself back." I shook my head sadly. I didn't want to remember her like this, so lifelessly and barely breathing.

The doctor barged in. "I hoped you said you good byes. We will now pull the life support. Either she breathes on her own and wakes up or..." My eyes bugged out. No, she WILL make it.

They pulled the plug. Her heart stopped.

The doctor tried to restart her heart manually and through the electrical machine.

No response. He checked for a pulse. The doctor snapped his gloves off his and grabbed a clipboard.

"Melody Andrea Mastrofi Bianchi's date of death, 12:42 am."

As the doctor finished his sentence, my mom's hand twitched. Her eyelashes were fluttering. My eyes widened. She was-

"Out child now. We have to dispose of the body."

"No! She's alive! I saw her twitch!" I yelled.

The doctor looked at me sympathetically. "I understand you are in denial but you must leave."

"No! She alive! I promise!" I repeated.

He shook his head and called for security to pull me out. The grasped my arms and dragged me to the exit.

"No! She alive! Stop! Let me go!" I wailed on the top of my lungs. I frantically looked at her one last time before they threw me out.


We went back into the rooms to say our good byes as a family.
I peered warily passed my fingers but that didn't prepare me for the sight I saw.

"Mom?" A grin broke out on my face as I saw her sitting up and giving me a tired smile.


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