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That night was a usual work night. The two scientists who worked in mainly silence, stayed extra hours to see if their formula for their experiment has worked. So far, all attempts have been negative.
"Pass me the notebook again." The man with a scruffy beard asked his counterpart.
"Sure." She tossed him the notebook and focused back on her project on hand. She watched as the chemicals smoked and then fizzled.
She sighed. She decided it wasn't even worth getting frustrated about anymore, since being use to these false leads. She felt as if she was missing something very obvious but didn't know what.
She reviewed and double no tripled checked if she had the right list of procedures. She had everything written down and even a diagram showing demonstrating that it would even work perfectly. But that would have been predicting the future but even the greatest advances in technology still prevented and limited this society from reaching its full potential.

She picked up the dead plant and threw it against the wall. She flinched after hearing the pot shatter into a million pieces.
"Ugh." She held her head in her hands, feeling a vicious migraine work it's way into her brain and decide to reside there.
The man with the notebook didn't blink as he heard the pot smack into the wall as the result of his partner's annoyance. He had to admit, it has been years since they've been working on project RDL CLASSIFIED. Sometimes he wondered if it was possible or all just a hoax. Sometimes he wondered if he should just give up and resign all together. No, he decided. He wanted to complete this daunting seemingly impossible task. He groaned and got back to work.
The male scientist woke up to his hand wrapped around a syringe and a cramped neck. He stretched his neck. He shuffled around when he heard the crinkle of paper and was surprised. Curiously, he opened the letter.
I have been waited long enough. Either you find the solution or...accidents can happen. You have until next week to find out. Tell that to pretty girl too.
see you soon, preferable with the answer to my question.
Or else, these get messy and fatal.
Your funder xX
Dread was all he felt. His heart pounded and fear clawed it's way up into his system. He nervously called for the other scientist.
"Hey read this..."
She was puzzled to as why his face was slick with sweat. She gingerly reached her hand out and sought to see what made him quake with fear.
'Oh no!' She thought. They needed more time then the end of this week. They have been working on this project for years now with nothing. What were they going to do? She paused for a moment, a smirk worked it's way on her face. She knew these were just empty threats. They couldn't hurt them, they needed them. So without a second thought, she crumpled the haunting note and continued on her work.
The continued for days like this and when the week passed, nothing remotely spectacular happened. Aside from accidentally burning their hands on a few occasions.
"Hey! Hey! I think I got it!" The female scientist rushed over and snapped her goggles off. Her and her partner watched the scene in front of them. At first the dead plant stayed you know, dead but then a small snap could be heard. A small cloud of smoke erupted around the room and then dispersed. After coughing fits, and when they turned off the smoke alarm, a healthy brand new plant sat on the table.
"Whoa..." They said in unison. They finally succeeded. They observed it some more and pinched themselves to make sure it wasn't just a dream. The plant then started to wither and curl it's leaves back in. The leaves turned brown and black agin while the stem shriveled up. The leaves slowly fell down and left the plant bare. Soon enough, the plant melted into a puddle of ash. The scientists felt disappointment yet excitement as well. This meant they were on the right track.
The male scientist decided to stay agin late tonight. He had a feeling that he was close to his solution for his problem.
"I am going to stay extra tonight. You can leave." He said, focused on his work.
"I can stay too?"
He shook his head, waving the help of the female scientist off.
"No. You need your rest."
She stubborn refused. "You do too. If you stay I am staying too."
He sighed. "I'm just going to clean up the place and then go home." He lied. He hated lying to his partner but if it got her off his back then so be it.
She shrugged. "Alright fine. Bye." She cleared her stuff away and mumbled a good night.
The male scientist measured, and fixed his equations. He battled with frustration and tiredness and was defeated terribly. 'I will only rest my eyes for a moment' he thought before he slipped away into a blissful deep sleep.
When he awoke, he was startled to see the lab ransacked. Books and equipment was strewn all across the room. Drawers were pulled open, desks were smashed open, and closets left wide open. He gasped in fear, not caring about anything except for his notebook that held everything. He frantically searched the secret compartment but stopped when ice hit his veins.
"Don't move," a masculine voice whispered behind him. He felt the tip of a gun pointed at his head. With his heart hammering in hammering in his chest, he kick the man'a groin and left the room with his notebook. He saw the man drop to the floor and moan in intense pain. The scientist darted in an elevator and sighed in relief. The elevator door opened for him to leave. He cautiously watched the hallways for any intruders. He clutched his precious notebook and headed home. It was around 4 am when he arrived, so he silently made his way in the house. He knew they were coming for him. He knew his work wouldn't be safe any where. Put it in the wrong hands, and the world will see a war worse then any puny world war.

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