chapter {14}

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I started indignantly at the key in my hand and the key I found. I remember when one of the maid's dropped the keys and I picked it up, thinking how suspicious it was for them to have such a key like no other. I forgot all about it until I found this other key.

Keys, keys, keys everywhere. What do they unlock? They could open a secret door or a box full of treasures or someone's secret prom stash. I mused over these options and seriously prayed it wasn't the latter. Anyways, I went back to stashing in my keys. I would leave it alone. For now.

Mmm... I looked over at the clock and saw that it was around noon and that I don't have anything planned for the rest of the day. I could wander around the estate aimlessly...or you could visit Harry. A little voice in the back of my mind slyly suggested. I pursed my lips. It confused me to the point that i wanted to know why i was always so eager to see him. I just don't want an innocent person guilty for a crime they didn't commit. Yeah, I thought, that's it. I tried stubbornly implementing that that was my sole motivation. But something told me, i smelled something burning and it were my pants.

I slipped out out of my room and began the treacherous journey to the dungeons. **

Successful enough, I didn't run into anyone on my way here. A familiar fiery mop of red hair became visible through the dim flickering lighting of the torches. Ed and Calum stood so perfectly straight that one would have thought they had broomsticks taped to their backs. They didn't push conversation among each other and remained in the undisturbed quietness until something or someone broke it.

I leaned against the wall, wheezing for breath when a look of surprise hit the guard's faces.

"Onyx!" A look of pure Delight broke out on Ed's face. "My, I didn't think we would see you any time soon."

I chuckled. "Yeah well, I'm here."

Calum didn't exactly look too pleased to see me again. "Onyx hello." I nodded back at his cool welcome.

"What brings you here?" Ed questioned.

"I er...Can I see Harry?" I managed to spit out and avoided his gaze.

"Ah..." Ed nodded and gave me a knowing look, turning my crimson cheeks redder then any shade seen before. He winked at me and held open the door.

It was pretty dark but I Could make out a lanky silhouette that could belong to one person.

"Harry." I whispered. Memorizing green orbs snapped opened and gazed into my blue ones. I stepped closer to him, to break in conversation when i noticed something. His lanky and lean shape looked starved and gaunt. Wonderful majestic green eyes lost some of their sparkle and gave me a dull cold stare.

I gasped in horror. "What have they done to you?"

He shrugged it off, his sickly pallor becoming even more illuminated as he walked towards the light. "Prison. I don't know. Life?"

"Oh Harry..." My throat constricted. I can't bear to see him like this. He's so usually full of spirit They broke him.

"Don't 'oh Harry' me." He snapped.

I sighed, irritation creeping up on me. "I'm not pitying you."

"It sure seems like it." He turns his head to the side, crossing his arms.

"Harry." I retorted in a sharp tone.

He huffed and softened his glare just a fraction.

I stared at this man. This man who was stripped of everything and humiliated into this cell. He beaten and starved and faced many other possible life threatening dangers. There was a dark looming possibility that he was going to cruelly punished for a crime he didn't commit. I have decided in my short time knowing this man, that deep down, in the pits of my entire being and existence, he was innocent. His only option was to leave.

"You must escape." I blurted the words that we were both thinking. His eyes widen at me, and in the first time in forever, I see some emotional.

He gasped. "That's the best thing I have heard all day." He leaned forwarded and clutched his stomach, doubling over in laughter.

I huffed at him. "No I'm serious Harry." He continued laughing and then paused. He must have realized I was serious because all tendrils of laughing came to an abrupt halt.

"Alright Captain genius. How's this gonna work?" He cocked his eyebrow up, still skeptical about this formulating idea. Cocky bastard. But then again, he had a point. Finding Atlantis would be easier.

I opened my mouth to say something, and then closed it again. I repeated this process and essentially looked like a fish out of water. "I didn't get that far." I sheepishly admitted. "It's where you help." I added.

Harry pushed his angelic carved bottom lip out, deep in thought. "You're serious?" With all kidding aside in his tone, he peered back at me, silencing asking if I was truly meaning it.

"I do." If I were ever sure of anything I have ever said, it were those two syllables. I can see now, that this, this was the only way for survival. This wasn't justice.

"Hmm okay. Well, we will figure this out."
My heart leaped at Harry's positive outlook on this. "Yeah we will." He didn't say anything more as he just gazed into my eyes.

I finally broke eye contact.

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