chapter {7}

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"I was nervous. Like an ice cube, I just froze up. Then I melted in some strange guy's drink."



I held my glass up to toast Luke but then I heard my father's words:

"I know many of you have been worried about the murder but we have gotten it under control. On Friday, the murder will be tried and later be executed."

I dropped my wine glass and could care less that I was standing in a growing puddle of red liquid. What did he just say? Those words ran around in my head, screaming for me to pay attention. Then it dawned on me, prisoner, Harry. My eyes went wide with fear. I had to see him again.

I didn't give a shit if he was mad at me or not. Something had to be done.


Harry became my sole focus and when Luke called out for me, I didn't pay any attention. I bounded down the familiar steps when I paused to catch my breath.

Then it hit me. Why did I care about a prisoner and a person I've only spoken to once? I had humanity, that's why.

I went down the dark dimly lit path and halted when I heard voices. I peered past the column and saw two very alert guards. I weighed my chances and stepped out of the light.

The guards grunted in response. One, with fiery red hair pointed a gun directly aimed for my chest.

"Stay where you are. No one is allowed past this point."

I held my hands up. "I'm Onyx."

The red headed smiled. "I'm Ed." His face showed recognition but he made no move to lower the gun.

"Let me pass." I said.

The Asian one I think, scowled. "Tonight is your banquet. Why are you here? Seeing... A prisoner. I'm sure Luke will be disappointed." His spat his words out like rehearsed lines.

"What's your name?" I spat.

The Asian one shifted his foot around uncomfortably. "Calum." He said with an Australian lilt.

I held authority in my voice and made sure they knew it too. "Calum what?"

He gulped. "Calum Hood."

"I'll make sure your written up." I nodded.

He visibly paled and made me satisfied.

"You can be let through ma'am." Ed finally spoke up.

"But she can't!" Calum fumed.

"No buts Calum. I'm saving your ass." Ed said calmly.

"Fine. 15 minutes." Calum responded.

I thanked Ed. I liked him. I'll make sure to come again when he's in charge. He must've had a superiority over Calum. Wait, again? I shook my head. What have I been eating?

Ed pushed opened the brick door to the side to lead me to Harry's cell. The lock clicked as the door swung open.

He patted my arm. "Good luck."

I pursued my lips. Maybe I will need it.


"Harry hey! I-"

"What the hell Onyx?" Harry's voice boomed in the small compacted space. I stepped back and took a moment to process what I saw when he turned around. Anger masked his face and when he saw me, his lips twisted in a sneer.

"Why are you here a week later?" He laughed but it wasn't a delighted sound. I took this time to examine his face carefully and noticed how sunken in his eyes were and how tattered his clothes were and his hair stood up in all different directions like he stuck his fingers in an electrical socket. His once tanned skin begun to fade to an ugly pasty white. Has it only been a week? He looked much different a week ago.

"Yeah Harry. I came back I have-"

"I don't give a flying fuck on what the hell you 'have to say.' Just get the fuck out." He pointed towards the door, staring at me expectantly.

His words hit me hard. I felt like I've been punch in the gut, watched the tfios, and stabbed in the heart.

"Do you want me to leave?" My voice cracked as I hesitantly took a step back.

He nodded. "Isn't it on obvious? I want to be alone." I slumped my shoulders as I turned to leave. I didn't want him to be upset.

"Wait Onyx." I stopped and looked back at him with hope glimmering in my eyes.

"Yeah Harry?"

"Don't slam the door too hard. I have a headache."

I gave him a terse nod; afraid to speak because if I did I would be bawling my eyes out. I half hoped that he would run after me but discarded it as quickly as it came. I was in a damn jail cell and Prince Charming wasn't going to come running after me. I had just reached the door to leave when Harry called out.

"Damn it Onyx. Don't go." I stopped in my tracks and quickly spun around to face him.

"Yes Harry?"

"I'm sorry. I-" He began.

"I'm sorry for interrupting Onyx. But it's imperative that you leave now." Calum stuck a nervous head in.

"What Calum? You said you would give me 15 minutes and it hasn't even past 3. This better be a life or death situation." I barked out.

He took a step back, intimidated a little by my sharp words. "Onyx! You're father and Luke are looking for you and someone spotted you and they are about to come down here! They will lose their shit if they find you here! They are so pissed that you ran out of the dinner like that."

My face whiten immediately. Shit. "Thank you Calum. Give me one minute." He nodded and shut the door.

"Harry. I have to go or else something bad will happen. I have something to tell you. They are going to put you on trial on Friday."

"You ran out of a honorary banquet...for me?" He said, ignoring my last statement.

I vigorously shook my head. I had to get out of here before they come barging through the doors.

"Onyx, you'll receive a letter soon okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

With that, I ran out of the cell and didn't look back.


AN'S:// I apologize so much that this chapter is shorter than the rest. I was going to add a continuum of this chapter but I decided not to. I had to make some minor changes to the plot by adding some more chapters to this story. I'm sorry for some typos I have. I hope you liked this chapter :).

Who do you ship?

Lynx, Luynx

Honyx, Hanyx?

I don't know. Lol make your own!

I personally like Lynx and Hanyx. But lol ya know. That's me.

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