chapter {5}

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"It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones."
"Wake up." A gruff voice above me said. I squeezed my eyes closed. Why does mum have such a masculine voice? I turned on my side and ignored the voice.
"I said, get up punk!" There, I heard the unfamiliar the voice again. I groaned and opened my eyes. I saw grimy dirt stained black leather boots on my side. The prodded my back and beckoned me to get up.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What the hell? Does-" The person grabbed a fistful of my hair and jerked me up. I turned around and glared at the foreign face. It took me a moment for everything to sink in.
Seven days have passed.
Seven days have passed since I've been thrown in jail.
Seven days that have been wasted
Seven days of my life I will never get back.
Seven days since Onyx stormed and left me here.
I sighed and rubbed my head. I squinted up to see the buff guard who stared impatiently down at me.
"Well kid? I ain't got all day." To prove his point, his foot started to tap.
"I'm up! Now what?" I snapped.
I rolled my eyes and stood there.
He motioned me to turn around and I hesitantly did. He gripped the back of my shirt and slammed my body against the stone wall.
"What the hell dude?!" I yelled. He pushed my face forward and his humongous frame towered over my lanky frame. He dropped my body and I hit my head. -hard. It took a second for my mind to settle. I slumped downward again.
"C'mon boyle!" I rolled my eyes at his terrible Irish accent. I was English. I picked myself up and unhappily complied to wherever he was taking me.
He took me to the cafeteria that contained the other prisoners and conversation in the room ceased the minute I stepped foot in. I tried to think that their hushed whispers weren't about me. Surely there was another Harry Styles. I bowed my head and hurried along to the lunch line. I quietly thanked the lady who gave me the slop for lunch. In the semi crowded room, I spotted a lone seat in the back. I made my way there, avoiding stares. Since I was ravished, I didn't care much for what I put in my mouth. I just spooned most of the stuff in before I could breathe twice.
The chair made a horrible nails-on-chalkboard squeaking noise and I darted my eyes upward. Spiked black hair belonged to a person with Carmel brown eyes. The person stuck out an olive tanned hand for me to side.
"Zayn, is the name." A deep English accented voice said.
I accepted his handshake as he sat down. I warily kept my eye on him while I continued eating my food.
He said, "What's your name?"
I swallowed to answer but he interrupted me.
"Nah mate. I was just kidding. I know very well who you are."
I nodded and kept eating.
"So you in big trouble yet?"
I shrugged.
Zayn leaned forward. A grim expression present on his face. "Watch your back. Something big is coming."
I stilled immediately. What?
Zayn was going to say something else but then his guard motioned for him to get up. Zayn gave me one last look before leaving.
"Styles, c'mon you asshole." My previous guard from earlier wanted me to get up. To annoy him, I took my time getting up and throwing away my trash.
Once I reached him, he grabbed my neck and pushed me forward. I lagged in front of him and we walked on in silence. We were descending down the stairwell, when I saw drops. I dismissed them because thinking it was a water leakage.
Further down the stairs near a door, blood drops pooled around it. An uneasy feeling hit my gut and sped me along.
When the path forked, I got a fleeting glance of red footsteps. I furrowed my brows and continued down the corridor. Right before I was lead in my isolation cell, I saw an image that made any murder site look like a brand new art canvas.
Blood spattered the outside of the door and dripped down forming a puddle. The blood was wet and fresh. A small window that allowed you to see inside was fogged up from all the gore.
"What's the hold up?" I didn't realize I stopped. The guard pushed me forward and caused me to stumble. I didn't say anything. Shock hit me like a truck. What the hell? Was someone murdered? What's going on?
Questions swam through my head and Zayn's words came back.
"Watch your back. Something big is coming." I remembered his haunted look in his eyes when he told me.
I went in my cell without a protest. I sat on the worn cot and then a soft voice called out, "Harry?"
My eyes gazed upward and my jaw was surely on the floor. Someone I thought I never will see again was standing in front of me.

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