chapter {1}

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"...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
I stumbled my way through the ballroom and sat down at my designated seat, bored all ready.
"Oh c'mon! Join the festives." My mother flashed me a bright smile.
I shrugged. "What if I don want to mom?"
"Onyx... This party is in honor for you." She said.
"Mom! My 18th birthday all ready passed. I would enjoy it more if I actually knew the reason behind this party." I shot her a dirty look hopeful that she might cave and tell. Her and dad decided to throw a random party that I was forced to attended to and didn't know the reason behind this party.
"Nope!" With that, she walked away leaving me to sulk. I stared numbly straight ahead at the wall. The events if the evening blurred together. I didn't even bother to associate with worthless people.
I poked around at my potatoes halfheartedly when suddenly my father clanged his stupid fork against his champagne glass. I wanted to take his stupid glass and smash it against the wall for pay back for this ear splitting head ache.
"... Have increased. I also have a very special announcement dedicated to my lovely daughter Onyx," I plastered on a fake smile and waved at the crowds of social elite even though I had no heck of a clue for what.
" getting married to Andrew and Liz Hemmings' son, Luke." I choked and down a cup of water. What?! I put two and two together, this party was to announce my wedding proposal that
I didn't even know about!
The crowd erupted in applauses and the Hemmings were proudly smiling and trying to look humble. Of course my father would choose him. He was the 2nd richest family after us and he had connections to all over the world. His father was the chairman ambassador for the International Cooperate Representatives. I gulped. I knew he liked me but... I couldn't marry him. I like him as a friend and he's really sweet when he wants to be but like... I couldn't.
People all smiled and nodded in approval. People were congratulating me.
"Onyx! Congratulations! I'm so jealous! You're so lucky!" I turned to see Sasha, a girl who has never spoken to me until this moment. Her parents did business with the Hemmings and she had a humongous crush on him or so I heard.
I gave her a weak smile. "... Yeah..."
If only she knew.
My father stood up and cleared his throat for the crowds' attention.
"Ahem. Settle down now please, yes thank you, as I was saying, Onyx and Luke-"
A booming shot rang throughout the room. I gasped when I saw where it was directed; to my father missing him by an inch. Everyone stared in shock and once it wore off, people stared panicking. They all ran around screaming.
"Quiet! Calm down people!" The guards tried to restore order but it was useless and complete chaos.
"SHUT UP PEOPLE." My father roared into the microphone. His veins in his necks bulged, on the verge of popping and his face turned purple from his strain.
Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing.
My father had his cheeks flushed and eyes shinning like a mad man.

"Jonathan, perform a lock down now. Matthew, find the shooter. Now people, stay calm." His silence dared anyone to defy his orders.
"Mr. President! We found the punk."

Matthew, the top guard pushed forward a battered young man.
I couldn't see him from my angle so I crept forward. I craned my neck to see. Frustratedly, I climbed a chair and absorbed what I saw. A boy, more or less, knelt in front of the crowd, with blood sprouting from his nose.
Matthew put his foot on the boy's back and gripped his black shirt.

"What do you have to say for yourself punk?" Matthew stepped on the guy's back and pushed his back down.The guy panted and grunted a response.

"Apologize now." Matthew was publicly humiliating the kid and my father stood back and watched from a distance. He had a devious smirk printed on his face. He was going to make the guy's life miserable. I felt sorry for the unknown victim.
The guy spit in the direction of my father's feet and said nothing.

Matthew pushed his face in the ground and almost broke his nose. "Let me try that again. You attempted to shoot our president. Apologize now before I shoot your brains out." Matthew cocked his gun and pointed it at the guy.

"I would rather die then apologize." The guy's voice was raspy and husky.
Matthew notched his gun. "That could be arranged pretty soon."

My father walked towards them finally and held up one hand.
"Not so fast. I remembered when I was his age... I was rebellious too. Son, look at me."

He grasped the punk's chin and looked him in the eye. "Who are you?"

The boy raised his head and said, "Go screw yourself."

My father just smiled and patted his cheek. "Maybe you hit your head a little too hard. I will repeat myself, who are you?"

The guards were loosely surrounded around the prisoner and clearly didn't expect him to pounce at my father's throat and get him in a choke hold and squeeze.The guards responded quickly and restrained his arms behind his back. My father rubbed his neck and shot the boy a frosty glare that froze my refroze my ice-cubes in my Champagne.

But my fathers glare was no match for the venomous and malice filled stare the boy was giving my father. The president knelt and made eye contact.

The boy beat my dad at conversation. "I hate you. You deserve to die." The guy's voice rang out nice and clear.
"Very well. So be it. Have it your way." My father straighten himself up. And beckoned the guards.

"To prison you filthy low life. Guards! Get him." He pointed his accusing finger at the hunched figured. They surrounded him and lunged him forward. He struggled in their grasp. Once he realized he wasn't going to get anywhere, he stopped.

Curiosity filled me as a looked at the boy that would be tried for an alleged Murder attempt. I made a decision to follow the guards down to the prisons. I know I should've felt anger and fear towards the shooter but I didn't.

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