chapter {11}

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"Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad."

The sunlight streaming through my windows forced me to squint my eyes shut. I didn't want to wake up and face reality. Sleep was so blissful and relaxing. It allowed you to escape everything and not be a aware for a few hours. It's like being dead minus the commitment.

I rolled over to return to my sweet oblivion. My eyes were slowly swaying closed... There was an itch at the back of mind. Wasn't there something important today? I disregarded it but there was the nagging and it wouldn't go away. I looked up at my roof seeing the massive structure. It amazed me how it didn't cave in on me. I allowed my eyes to wander around my lavishly decorated room when they landed on my dresser. On top of it sat a calendar. On that calendar was a date circled in bright red. That date happened to be today.

My eyes widened in realization, today was the date of Harry's trials! I had to be of attendance and cursed as I got ready. I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair and makeup. I then threw on a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a dark purple shirt. At the last minute, I grabbed my black cardigan and went out the door.
I dashed down my empty corridor not pausing to say hello to the servants. I would be so dead if I didn't show up to this bloody thing.

When I found my keys, I unlocked my car door and began to navigate through my way to the court house.
I glanced at my dashboard hating that I was stuck in traffic. Out of all the days of course it had to be today. "C'mon..." Agitation was coating my words as I watched the traffic line slowly creeping along. I slumped down in the leather seats and groaned. I was never going to get there on time!

I drove through the clogged road until I made it to the courthouse. I barely managed to slide into my seats (with a knowing glance from my mother) before court was in session.

"We will begin as soon as the convict walks in." The judge broke the steely uncomfortable silence, his deep voice rumbled across the room. I nervously tapped my fingers on the elbow rests. (They had two chair, 4 arms, and 3 elbow rests. Like really?) I struggled to make out his name plate, Judge Desmond Marshall. He sat in his big chair waiting impatiently, unmoving. Boredom was written all across his face.

I grew anxious and glanced at the watch again for the umpteenth time in the past 5 mintues and watched the seconds tick agonizingly slow.
Resonating footsteps were heard from the outside clambering against the marble floor.

Any moment they would appear. The door burst opened, and Harry's grand entrance was revealed. He looked presentable enough. His complexion was much better than from the last time I saw him. His face had a nice tan to it and maybe I was imaging it but he seemed to give off a slight glow. He also managed to style his hair into a small curly quiff, a smile tugged at the end of my mouth. He neutrally gazed into the crowd of people giving off a chilly mask. Like a way a King Lion would survey his territory.

I assumed someone brought him clothes from home because he was a wearing a suit for this trial. Harry strolled right in here at a leisurely pace with no cares in the world and I couldn't help but notice all the female attention he was getting. All heads, but especially females, were all tuned in watching him approach. He was either used to it or he was that oblivious. He was so calm and collected. Somehow, his captivating aura drew everyone in like honey to bees. Anyways, when he finished his red carpet walk, the judge cleared his throat.

"Let the trial begin. Harry Edward Styles is here by, charged guilty?"
My father sat idling by, waiting for his lawyer to speak. Johnson, Jenson, Jenkins? I couldn't remember the lawyer's name at the moment.

"Sir, Styles has been spotted at the dinner attempting to shoot the president in a room full of witnesses but he failed. Reasons of why he tried to assassinate the president is still unknown."

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