chapter {10}

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"The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one."

I was never ever the girlie type. I crinkled my nose at the thought of dresses, ran for the hills when school events required formal wear, and cringed when mother told me to dress my "Sunday's Best". Still, I prevailed through all the banquets, dinners, you name it, if it required formal wear to the event I internally screamed and drowned in sorrow bunt contained my strife. My wedding. Every girl's dream. The perfect white lacy gown that makes the groom have drool dribble from the side. Hey, what's wrong with skinny jeans and black flats? Apparently everything according to my mother.
"It's a wedding. Not a junior high dance!"
I groaned. "I know mother! But this is my wedding. Shouldn't I dress in comfort?"
My mother actually laughed at me. "Oh dear," she wiped a tear off her and she and continued. "Oh that''re joking right?" One look at my glowering face and she subdued herself. "Well anyways, no this isn't about comfort. This will be the event of the year. You need to look absolutely stunning. Well, more then usual."
I rolled my eyes at my mother. "The wedding... Isn't it until like a while from now?"
"Melody?" A shocked melodious voice questioned.
My mother's back stilled. Her spine sent a jolt that straightened every vertebrate. She clenched the hand that was holding a dress into a fist and she slowly turned around to face my direction. She saw me or more accurately, was focused on behind me.
Her eyes glazed over into that hard unwavering glare of hate. She forced a smile on her face and it looked like it physical hurt for her to do so.
It wasn't a warm loving one but rather a cold despicable malicious.
I whipped around to face a lady with long brown hair and brilliant green eyes. Her face was carved perfectly in disbelief. She blinked her mesmerizing eyes rapidly as if to make sure what she was real.
"M-melody? Is that really you?" She repeated herself. My mother braced her face and turned around with a charming fake smile as if they were best friends.
"Yeah it is!" My mother laughed and performed her lines like the flawless actress she was.
"I'm so glad to see you!" The unknown lady came over and embraced her. My mother seemed a bit miffed and stepped back not bothering to return the warm heartening gesture.
My mother nodded. "Yes. I suppose. My daughter and I were just leaving."
Mother gripped my hand to drag me out of the store and away from the story. The mysterious lady turned her attention to me and gasp. I felt hurt. Was I really that ugly?
"You must be Onyx! Oh my! You're so lovely! Forgive my rudeness but you're just so wonderful." The lady put hand over her mouth and looked at me in what I assumed in awe.
I blushed and mumbled a thank you. She was being too generous. I was an ugly awkward toad. "Oof!" I was suddenly wrenched from my mother's vise grip and landed into the arms of this lady. She wrapped me into her thin pale ivory arms to give me a bone crushing hug that nearly cracked my rib cage.
"Why! Dear your just as lovely as your mother!" She exclaimed.
"Yes yes of course. Now we ought to be going..." My mother impatiently reminded us. She tapped her foot to emphasize that whatever greetings we had were to be concluded.
"Of course! It's was just so lovely seeing you. After all these years wow! We should catch up some time?" The lady gazed at my mother with excitement shinning from her eyes.
"I'm a very busy person..." My mother began. The other lady's face fell.
"Oh yes I understand. Maybe-"
"Yeah yeah we ought to be on our way now." My mother reclaimed her grip on my wrist and started shoving me out of the store.
I never heard the end of that sentence because we were now on the bustling streets. Her voice was lost in the honks of cars.
Mother rushed us back into the car and she looked back into her mirror to drive. For a while it was silent. Then I began to ask questions.
"Mom who was that?" My mother focused on driving, ignoring my question.
I tried again. "Mom?"
"Hm?" She tilted her head upward to let me know that she heard me.
"Who was the lady?" I inquired.
My mother gripped her steering wheel until her knuckles turned paler then the snow. "No one."
I furrowed my brow. "She must've been someone. You over reacted over there. You changed so quickly."
She growled. She literally had a rumble in her throat. "I said leave it. She's no one. She's no better then dirt on this ground." My mother spit venomously.
I slowly inched closer to the door. She was making me nervous. "She was just a shop keeper..?" I had no earthly idea why my mother acted the way she did.
My mother shrugged. "Yeah... Just a shop keeper." I couldn't keep up with her moods. One minute she wanted to chew my head off and the next, she's speaking so monotonously. I don't get her. Her moods give me whip lash.
She had an uneasy expression on her face and she wouldn't meet my eyes. It almost screamed that she was convicted of something guilty. She met my eyes for a split second and that's all it took for me to realize that something fishy was going on here. She knew something was bothering her and wasn't going to say what. Once she realized she was at fault and displayed her emotions to me, she wiped her face clean and it once again became a black hole devoid of nothing. I just sighed and disregarded her bad attitude lucky that I didn't have the energy to deal with her.
My head leaned against the car door and the city lights flashed and beamed as we zoomed past the city. The lights reflected off the skyscrapers that twinkled like little miniature stars except much closer. I really loved seeing the city at night. It left me in awe. The shinning lights, loud honks, pedestrians walking by in a hurry to get home, lone dogs raiding trashcans Everyone in their own thing. So many personal universes non existent to the person next to them. We all have our small place in the universe that work together to create our society.
The tall structures clustered around the capital buildings were positioned as guards between anything that threatened our city. I thought about everything and tried avoiding the one subject I couldn't bear the pain to think about.
My heart ached when I thought about the trials that were scheduled for him tomorrow. Only a miracle would stop them from happening. I prayed to whatever supreme being up there that everything in the end would be okay.
Not just for Harry but also for myself.
"Are you kidding me!" My mother fumed as the car slowed to a gradual stop. Red and blue police office lights flashed around casting spooky silhouettes. I craned my neck to see what all the ruckus was about. In the side of the road, there appeared to be so type of ditch of some sort. Police officers shinned their lights down and frantically conversed over their walkie talkies. Ambulances' rushed over; tires screeched on the asphalt as the drivers skidding to a stop. More police cars were surrounding the road trying to prevent other cars from coming through. Congratulations, they have successfully created a traffic jam.
Yellow "DO NOT CROSS" tape engulfed the area of the incident.
They set up heavy road blocks to prevent any access beyond that point. Unfortunately for us, that was our way home.
My mother grumbled some words under her breath but continued on her way to an alternate route. As we were leaving, I saw ambulances coming in with stretches and black bags large enough to fill a body. Several stretches have all ready been filled with black bags. Paramedics rushed back and forth to fish the bodies from the ditch.
I shuddered at the thought of what laid underneath those menacing bags. As we drove by, the wind drew a flap back on a bag and a face was revealed. Much to my horror, I saw the vague outlines of a familiar face illuminated by the moonlight. I couldn't contain my shock as I saw some unknown face horribly mangled and slashed.
Melancholy was so thick in the air I almost choked on it. Mother kept driving but any hopes of conversation was lost.
"Trials are tomorrow." Startled by her attempt at speaking, I banged my head against the window.
"Yeah." I said simply.
"Don't forget to be show." She said without taking her eyes off the road.
I just shrugged. I wanted to so desperately sleep and forget the horrid images forever imprinted in my mind.

AN'S//: Guys it's been a while and I am so sorry! I have been super busy with stuff with school. Also it took forever for me to write this chapter. I promise I'll try to have updates more steadily coming now. Well we passed Halloween and I hope you guys had a great one! I will finish chapter 11 and 12 for you guys and enjoy the story.

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