chapter {9}

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"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."



I heard the obnoxious loud clangs of the guard hitting my cell with their metal stick to wake me up. I frowned but managed to pull myself up.

"Five minutes scum!" I think a guard who went by the name of Sean, sneered as he walked by. I stretched my sore muscles. The poor excuse of a bed really made it hard to sleep at night. That, and the looming terror of my execution. But I suppose it was about time I got caught.


I hastily made my way into the dim lighted cafeteria. Today for breakfast, we had bacon, eggs, cereal, and waffles with a carton of orange juice. They must've have left overs from the Central Building. Zayn saw me and vigorously motioned for me to join him. I made my way towards him. The drop of my tray startled a few people but then they continued with their previous activities.


"Hey hot shot!" Zayn smiled at Harry.

The convict returned his smile. "Hey mate." If I hadn't known better, I would have thought they were becoming friends. I wanted to laugh at the thought. There were no friends.

"So how's prison treatin ya?" Zayn said.

Harry shrugged. "I feel like they give me special treatment." Yes Harry, special treatment. Just he wait. He'll be in for a surprise. He was most definitely going to get his special treatment.

Zayn chuckled and continued chewing.

"Ya well the rest of wish we've shot the president too then aye?"

Harry stiffen, and avoided the man'a gaze. Zayn frowned when he saw the he didn't answer. He realized he must've said something wrong.

"I um uh... Sorry mate!"

Harry waved away the other man's apology.

"It's fine. It was a joke chap."

Harry tensed up sensing something or someone was watching him. He warily scanned the cafeteria. He shook his unease off once he realized he didn't find any character out of the ordinary. He must've thought it was paranoia. I don't blame him. It's not like he would ever acknowledge me.

All the inmates lined up, ready to go. All of them were going to be headed back towards their cells, except for one.

I grinned wickedly.


They had us lined up, checking to make sure we were all here. Like yes, we could totally escape in a windowless room, that swarmed with guards armed to the teeth. I rolled my eyes, waiting for my name to be called.

"I'm very much here." I piped up.

The guard glowered at my response. I smirked at him because I could.

Suddenly, the doors (the only doors, might I add in this dreary room) burst open and 6 very official looking head guards walk and stop in front of all of us.

They all lined up in a V formation and the one in the centre took of his sunglasses and surveyed the room. He had a military style buzz cut and was built like a professional wrestler. His icy blue stared briefly met my curious green ones. Everyone else, stood in a tense silence, waiting for them to speak.

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