The begin of everything

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It's Katrine her first day back at Hogwarts, She normally always went with her Parents to the train station but her parents sadly passed away these holidays, because of a stupid car accident. The only thing that Katerine truly knew about her parent's death is that her sister was with them in the car but Her sister Hope survived it, Katerine always blamed her sister for her parents' death. She sits alone in a compartment when she hears laughing and talking from people passing her and her eye falls on a beautiful but shy girl named Luna, She has beautiful white hair but always gets bullied for the way she acts. Luna looks in the compartment where Katerine is sitting and smiles softly before walking in with a shy boy.

"Can we sit here... no one else wants us to sit with them."

The girl said and Katerine nodded and smiled.

"Yes sure sitting alone isn't that fun, to be honest, I am Katerine Jackson by the way you two are Luna and?"

She looks at the shy boy with a soft smile while he sits down next to Luna.

"I am Neville nice to meet you, Katerine."

He said when he smiled and laid his head on Luna her head and kissed her forehead softly.

Katerine smiles at them before deciding to close her eyes and get some rest falling asleep.

Before they knew it they had arrived at Hogwarts making Katerine smile softly and sigh saying under her breath.

"Hope this year will be better than last year.."

As they stepped out of the train Katerine her eyes fell directly on a group of four boys and two girls that had bullied her since year one.

Luna grabbed Katerine her hand softly seeing that they were shaking.

"Are you alright Katerine?"

Katerine nodded and grabbed her bags before walking away past her bullies knowing she had changed a lot, so she hoped that the bullying would change too.

She walks in the great hall when the first years thought it was special and huge but for the last years and Katerine, it didn't mean that much anymore.

She sat down at the end of the Slytherin table all alone when Dumbledore had his long and boring speech again like every year, when the speech was finally over Katerine sat up a bit put some food on her plate, and started eating from the delicious chicken, she knew this was the best one out of every chicken in the world making her smile by the warm feeling.

The one moment everything was fine it was peaceful for her and she was enjoying her food until she heard a voice behind her.

" See there our sad filthy little mudblood."

Draco said with his lower voice moving his face closer behind her.

She decided to ignore him, thinking it was the best thing to do and that they would leave her alone.

''I think she is deaf''

Pansy said when a few Slytherins were laughing with her.

"Good one pans!"
Mattheo said and walked to Katerine and Draco signing to the people who were sitting next to her to move.

''Or death like her parents.''

Mattheo said sitting next to Katerine with a smirk on his face that quickly disappeared when her hand hit his cheek hard.

''Oh, you are so dead mudblood."

Mattheo said while his hands quickly moved to her neck wanting to choke her but got stopped by his older brother Tom who grabbed his arm tightly.

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now