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Tw; Killing, blood, drugs, cutting

The next week was just the same as the other weeks.

They woke up got dressed in their Slytherin uniform and went to the great hall for breakfast, They always ate the normal stuff, eggs, and bacon.

After they all ate a bit they would go to all of their classes, after their classes Katerine would go to the library to study or to read.

She did it a lot, it helped her clear her mind. She always sat behind a bookshelf reading books not looking at what was going on or anything, just her little world.

"Hello, princess."

Someone said making her jump a little, Katerine quickly turned around and saw Mattheo.

"Oh hey love"

She stood up still holding her book and hugged him while their lips met softly but long.

"I missed you, princess "

Mattheo said while holding her.

She smiled softly, she always thought it was cute how soft he could be.

"I missed you too Mattheo"

She whispered and closed her eyes enjoying his touches and making him smile.

"Are you done reading? I wanna do something, it's boring here"

He said and chuckled.

Katerine laughs a bit.

"Yes yes I'm done reading for now"

She giggles and walks out with Him while they interlock their fingers with each other.

Pansy runs up to them.

"Did you guys hear about it?!"

Pansy said looking at them excitedly.

"Heard what, Parkinson?"

Mattheo said a bit cruel.

"Jeez sorry Mr. Riddle, there are four new Slytherin students they are here come on they look nice."

Katerine and Mattheo both looked at each other and smiled.

"Ok yeah sure we are coming"

Katerine said happily and followed Pansy who was walking to the Slytherin common room. Pansy, Matthew, and Katerine walked in, and Katerine her smile dropped when she saw one of the girls.


Hope looks up at Katerine and smirks.

"Hello big sis, missed me?"

Hope said.

"Mhm totally happy."

She looked at the others and smiled when she saw one specific guy.


Katerine laughed and hugged him tight, Elio laughed and hugged her back.

"I missed you so much! Elio"

He smiles holding her tight.

"I missed you too Kate"

Mattheo looks at the hugging couple and clears his throat.

"Guys this is Elio my old best friend"

Katerine said while Hope whispered.


Mattheo quickly pulls Katerine next to him and kisses her making it clear she is his.

Katerine looked at the others and then looked back at her sister giving her a warning stare.

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now