
1.5K 19 19

Tw// killing, blood, dead, cutting, e.d., drugs, suicide, sex

Katerine was sitting there in a lot of blood holding a dead person while Hope was watching her.

Hope quickly ran to Mattheo his dorm and ran in.


Hope yelled.

"Hope, let me sleep"

he said tiredly burying his face in the pillow.

Hope pulled Mattheo out of his bed.

"It's Katerine and Elio, something happened to Elio and..."

Hope was breathing heavily while sobbing.

Mattheo pulls Hope into a hug and strokes her hair trying to calm her down, they both got good friends with each other because of Katerine.

"Where is Katherine..."

Mattheo asked while stroking her hair treating her like his little sister.

"Follow me"

Hope said quietly pulling back from the hug and starting to walk quickly to Elio his dorm.


Hope said softly looking at her sister.

Matthew walked to Hope and looked into Elio his dorm and his eyes widened.

He looked from Elio his dead body to Katerine who was holding the body and quickly rushed to her and pulls her away into a tight hug.

"H-he was my best friend Mattheo..."

Katerine said sobbing into his chest.

"I know darling... I know..."

Mattheo said walking out of Elio his dorm

He closed the door so Katerine and Hope couldn't see the body hugged them both tight and sighed.

"I am so sorry for your loss..."

Matthew said while slowly walking back to his dorm with the two girls.

He opened the door to his dorm and led the two girls inside.

They both sit down on his bed not talking that much.

"You two stay here ok..."

Mattheo said showing that he cares about them.

"Where are you going love?"

Katerine said softly while walking slowly to him.

"I'm going to his dorm, so stay here darling"

Katerine nods while Matthews talking and lays down in his bed with Hope.

Mattheo walks back to Elio his dorm and tries opening the door.

He was 100% sure he didn't lock the door but he couldn't open it anymore, it was locked.

After a while, he starts trying to kick open the door.

And finally, the door was open and he ran inside looking around,

Nobody, no blood, nothing, left like how he was before he died.

Mattheo, Hope, and Katerine didn't even leave for five minutes and the body was already gone.

Mattheo runs back to the girl out of breath.

"Uhm so... he is gone."

Mattheo said nervous, making Katerine and Hope sit up.

"He is what?!

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now