the letters

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(Katerine's POV)

I saw my mother's name on one of the two letters.

I immediately opened the letter and started reading it carefully not wanting to miss any detail sitting down on the ground.

Dear daughter

If you get this letter It will mean that  your father and I have passed.

Do you remember when we were on vacation that me and dad were writing a letter? This is the moment you will read it.

I want to tell you everything, every secret we kept from you I am done lying to you keeping secrets from you.

Hope is our daughter, you... We found you alone in the forest as a little girl.

We brought you to our house cause we already loved you a lot.

Don't believe a word of what other people say OK? Only trust us.

You don't want to know who your real mother is, she is probably the reason why we are dead cause she wants you back. If you ever find out who she is remember what she did to us the people that took care of you for years.

If we died, the death eaters got us, me and your dad.

I just hope that everything is alright with you and that you are living the best life but don't trust the Riddles, never trust them, the Malfoys and you know who his sons made us a promise to protect me and your father but they tricked us.

They are the reasons that we are dead now

We will always love you and we will always be there for you.

For always our little girl.

We love you and be careful

We love you, Teddy.

Do you still remember that name...

Much love Mom and Dad

A few soft sobs escaped my lips.

"Yes, I remember Mom."

I smiled a bit when tears fell on the paper.

I wiped off my tears and put the letter back into the envelope.

I put water over my face and dried my hands and face off with a towel.

"OK, letter two..."

I whisper looking at the name still in shock

"Would she be..."

I opened the letter and started reading the first line before I heard Tom.

"love come back to bed it's 3 am and I am tired.."

He whispers opening the bathroom door.

I put the letters away and nod smiling softly.

"Wanna cuddle?"

He said and I nodded.

We both walk back to bed and lay down opening my arms so he could lay on top of me.

He lays slightly on top of me and I kiss his head holding him tightly.

He quickly fell back asleep.

It was a bit harder for me to think about the second letter.

The next morning Tom was already gone and I was late for class so I quickly got dressed and ran to the classroom.

Of course, every time I am late I always have potions.

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now