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TW// killing, suicide, torture, sex.

At that moment Mattheo walked past her dorm and saw Katerine tearing up when Tom left her dorm.

"What's up, crybaby?"

Mattheo said smirking at her.

"Nothing, leave just fucking leave."

Mattheo walks out and grabs Tom his arm pulling him back inside.

Katerine looks at Tom with a big smirk on her face and walks over to Mattheo.

She looked up at Mattheo and softly pressed her lips against his.

Without hesitation, Mattheo kissed her back letting Tom look at them

He could feel the pain in his body, tearing up.

"Maybe we have to continue this in my dorm."

Mattheo said with a big smirk on his face.

She looked from Mattheo to Tom and then back to Mattheo.

"Yes indeed, we should."

Katerine and Mattheo both go to his dorm letting Tom stand there, really confused.

"Thank you for taking me away from Tom."

She said laughing a bit.

"Do you think I was joking from continuing?"

Mattheo said looking down at her.

Katerine looked confused.

"Uhm, yes?"

She said looking at him moving closer to her.

He takes both of her hands in his and strokes them gently.

"Well, I wasn't joking about it."

He said leading her to his bed slowly sitting down and pulling her down with him.

"So? Is there anything you'd like to do now?"

He asks smirking at her glances down at her lips, then back to her eyes.

She looked at him and slightly brushed her feet against his leg.

"I don't know."

She said looking into his eyes as a gasp escaped her lips when he suddenly grabbed her hips lifting her and setting Katerine down on his lap.

"Well then..."

He whispered before pressing his lips on hers and kissing her slowly and passionately while placing his hand on the back of her head and pushing her closer to him.

She kissed back a bit harder, not knowing why she did it after what he had done to her.

He lets his hands slide down her back and smirks into the kiss before grabbing her ass tightly.


Katerine whispered looking up at him.

"I can't do this."

She said softly looking up at him.

"Not after everything you and your friends did."

She said as he just looked down at her not caring what she said.

"Shut up and forget about it for now."

He said with a smirk on his face and began to kiss her neck softly and lovingly, leaving some small love bites.

She let out a soft moan while she slowly closed her eyes.

"I'm not going to do all the work by myself, Jackson."

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now