Lover boy

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TW: Killing

The next morning Katerine woke up.

Her eyes open slowly while she sits up and yawns.

She looks around seeing that mattheo isn't in bed, or anywhere in her dorm.

"Theo? baby?"

She said worried and puts on a shirt and her underwear looking around.

"This is not funny baby..."

She quickly gets changed walks to his dorm and knocks.

"Mattheo riddle! Get out!"

But no answer.

She went to Dumbledore worried and they got into his office seeing it was empty making her sigh.

Katerine looked around the school searching for him but she just thought he would go out with Tom they shared a dorm and the two beds were empty.

But no sign of Tom or mattheo.

Katerine went to Draco his dorm and knocked.

No answer.

"Am I going mad or..."

She opened the door and looked around searching for the three missing boys.

Katherine just thought that they would take the day off, it wasn't the first time that they did something with them three to skip class so Katerine just went back to her dorm still a bit worried not knowing why.

Two weeks later they still weren't back, They had been searching for the boys for a week but not a single sign of them

Katerine went to Dumbledore his office and knocked on the big wooden door.

Not even five seconds later the wooden door flies open.

She looks up looking at a pretty dark figure, severus snape.

"Here she is... now tell me you little brat... where are your three pathetic friends..."

severus asked looking down at her and slightly pulling her into the room"

Katerine looked up and talked not showing that she was afraid of severus

"I don't know sir... that's why I am here to ask if you guys know where they are"

She smiles politely.

"no miss jac- lestrange... we don't know where they are"

Dumbledore said looking worried at Severus.


Dumbledore said making Severus look at him.

"Yes, Albus..?"

Severus said seriously and in the same tone as always.

"Why won't you go and look for the three boys mh?"

Dumbledore said looking in Severus his eyes giving him a hint to leave.

Severus nods and turns around walking away through the door and closes it softly.

Severus went to the Malfoy manor knowing that the boys were there

He walks in and walks to a big room with only one large table and a lot of death eaters around it including Draco, Tom and Mattheo.

"sorry that i am late my lord..."

Severus said sitting down on his chair.

"It's fine Severus..."

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now