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-next morning-

Katerine woke up lying next to her one true love Mattheo Riddle.

She felt safe, she felt happy that she finally could be with him after all those years she was there with the love of her life.

She did some hair out of his face and he groaned softly still half asleep.

"Good morning Jackson."

Mattheo said with his warm and soft voice.

"Good morning baby, did you sleep well?"

Katerine asked him.

He opened his eyes looking into her big ocean-blue eyes.

"I slept amazing darling."

He said looking at her pulling Katerine on top of him.

She lets out a giggle getting on top of him.

"What are you gonna do today?"

She asked Mattheo looking at him while lying on his chest.

"Well we are free today so maybe we can go back to the flower field from when we were younger..."

She nods and gets out of bed tired.

"Come on Mattheo get up."

She said pulling him up.

He chuckled and stood up pulling her by her hips close to him and kissing the top of her head.

"I have a little surprise for you darling, I wanted to.. give it to you a long time ago but I couldn't"

He looked away nervously.

"What are you talking about?"

"One year ago a few days after you and Harry broke up I went to your dorm but heard you and Tom talking..."

She looked up at him.

"That night... You know that nothing happened between us two right?"

He nodded

" I know darling, I know but I came there to apologize for everything I did even from when we were ten years old I am so sorry for being a dick."

He looks at her while talking, she kisses him softly to calm him down.

"It's fine I understand ok.."

She said while he nodded. "Come on get ready," he said and chuckled.

He walked to his closet grabbed a hoodie and some sweatpants that were too small for himself and gave them to Katerine so she could put them on.

After some time Katerine walked out with her silky black hair falling over her shoulders matching perfectly with the fully grey hoodie of Mattheo.

She was wearing her natural eyeshadow and her lipgloss not too much foundation and a perfect layer of blush.

"Are you ready to go Matthe-"

She looked at his body while he was buttoning his white blouse.

"Yes, I am ready darling."

He chuckled and walked to her kissing her softly. he grabbed her hand walked out of Katerine her dorm and locked it carefully.

Mattheo took her to a lake surrounded by beautiful flowers In all different colors and sizes.

"wow, Mattheo this is just wow."

She said looking at him, he chuckled walking closer to the water.

"Close your eyes, Katerine."

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now