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-10-year-old Katerine and Mattheo-

Katerine was playing outside in a huge and beautiful flower field making flower crowns until someone tapped on her shoulder.

"U-Uhm hello... what are you doing..."

The little boy asked nervously.

"Oh hello. I am making flower crowns do you like them?"

The little girl asks excitedly.

"Yes, I love them!"

He said sitting next to Katerine.

"Oh by the way I am Katerine Jackson, What's your name?"

She asked The shy boy who was looking at her.

"Mattheo, Mattheo riddle."
He said while she smiled friendly.

"Hello, Mattheo, nice meeting you.."

She said smiling while he looked up at her because she was a bit taller than him.

"Yes, indeed Katerine"

He said after making eye contact for about five seconds he quickly looked down.

"Are you ok Mattheo?"

Katerine asked calmly.

"yes I am fine, thank you for asking"

He answers smiling a bit at himself.

He picks up a small flower putting it behind her ear softly stroking Katerine her cheek.

She started blushing and had a feeling she never felt before, it felt like... love.

"Thank you, Mattheo."

She said with her cute little voice.

"Of course darling... i-i meant Katerine, sorry..."

He said nervously.

She let out a cute giggle.

"It's fine Mattheo."

He looked with his brown, hazel eyes into the ocean-blue eyes of Katerine, and before he knew he kissed her softly on her lips like he always saw his parents do.

"I'm so sorry I had to ask permission right?"

He started to freak out while Katerine looked at him.


She took his hands.

"If we both go to Hogwarts and are older you can kiss me again without my permission and when we are adults we will get-"

They both said at the same moment.


They smiled at each other and gave each other a last hug before he stood up and left.

-one year later-

They never heard from each other again that year, but Katerine never stopped thinking about him.

Every day that passed by how sadder she got, every day she went to the same place but he never showed up until the last day before going to Hogwarts.

She started walking to her house when a brown-haired boy ran up to her.


Someone said from behind her.

She turned around and saw Mattheo.


She ran to him and hugged him tight, slightly jumping on top of him and wrapping her legs around his waist.

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now