is it all fake?(diary)

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(Katherine's pov in diary)
Dear Diary
It's now a few days after Tom visited me, I don't know how I feel about it.
After I fell asleep that night he left me and since that moment he was completely ignoring me, Did I do something wrong?
Was it all real or was it all fake for him?
Did he use me?
Did he have to do it?
Is this another joke from them?
Am I just not good enough?
Is it my body?
Is it for my body?
Does he like me?
Does he hate me?
I don't know anymore I don't know what I did wrong, but I hope he is gonna stop ignoring me. For the rest everything is normal the others are still bullying me, not really surprising anymore. I am used to it by now. I have been studying a lot lately. I see you later diary I Have class now, I really hope he is gonna stop ignoring me one day because I think that I am really starting to like him... so stupid but it is true, I really like him, I even dreamed about him... it is still creeping me out. I hope he feels the same one day, but I don't know I really do not know well... I should go to class before I am too late.
Have a nice day diary I love you even more now.

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