Broken love

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Mattheo was taken away from her.

One of the people she thought she would never lose... there He goes, gone.

Draco and Tom were always there for Katerine.

They would make sure that she ate and drank something.

Not only did they think about themselves, but they both liked her a lot.

But they were thinking about Mattheo, what he would do.

A week passed and Mattheo was locked up in Azkaban.

Tom and Draco walked inside Katerine her dorm with a plate filled with food and sat down on her bed.

She smiles softly.

"Do you think they would let him free one day?"

Katerine asked while taking the toast and eats from it.

Tom nods and wipes some crumbles on her lip away.

"I know so."

Draco said trying to comfort her.

She smiles softly and eats.

"You can trust me guys I will eat."

Tom raises his eyebrow.

"Nice try little girl."

Katerine rolled her eyes and continued to eat her toast followed by some crumbled eggs.

"Guys I am full"

Draco smiles.

"That's OK"

Draco said and smiled at her taking her plate and glass away.


Draco said turning around and walking back to her while Katerine looked at him.

"Did you know that my father was in Azkaban too?"

Draco questioned her and sat back down.

She shook her head slightly and stood up grabbed a hairbrush and started brushing through her hair.

"How is it now with him... Now he is out of Azkaban?"

Draco gulps and looks at Tom asking for permission to tell her.

"Draco don't, you're gonna scare her."

Tom said looking at him and raising his eyebrow.

"Oh come on Tom it won't be that bad."

"He is a fuck up now, just like your mom, only your mom is a crazy bitch."

Draco said quickly looking down.

Katerine nods.

"So Mattheo will be a fuck up too? Or a fucked up crazy asshole?"

She questioned looking at both of them.

They both sigh and nod softly.


Tom said softly.

Katerine nods and looks into the mirror.

"We should go to class."

She whispered grabbing her books after she put on her uniform and walked out.

Katerine had potions at first and walked to the potion classroom knowing she was too late.

She walked into the classroom not caring that she was too late, looking Professor Snape dead in the eyes.

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now