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The next morning the two kids finally woke up still slightly tired.


Katerine whispered while yawning.

Mattheo was quiet not saying a word to Katerine still pissed that she wants to meet his parents.

She sighs and slowly climbs on top of him.

"You can not ignore me forever Mattheo."

Katerine said kissing his head making Mattheo smile a bit.

"We need to set some rules, Katerine."

Mattheo said sitting up wrapping his arms around, Katerine her waist, and kissing her soft lips softly and carefully.

The brown-haired girl nods softly looking at Mattheo.

" First, do not say or do anything stupid. It can be your dead. Second, wear something Riddle-worthy. Third, listen to my father and do not let go of my hand. understand?"

Katerine nodded slowly and gulped when she heard that it could be her death.

"All alright."

She whispers still a bit scared and stands up tiredly walking over to her closet and looking for a beautiful outfit for herself She feels arms wrapping around her waist, knowing who it is, and relaxes in Mattheo his touches.

" I warned you, darling.. no going back anymore or it would be your death."

Katerine nods softly and grabs a beautiful dress out of the closet.

"Mattheo can you get us some breakfast please"

Katerine said softly while holding the dress.

Mattheo let out a chuckle and walked out of her dorm wearing a white shirt and some gray sweatpants.

Katerine quickly got dressed in her dress and rushed into the bathroom and started doing her make-up, not too much but you definitely could see that she was wearing make-up, when she was brushing through her hair she heard the door going open, and getting closed again.


Katerine said softly, not knowing if it was him.

"Yes, darling?"

The girl smiles while putting a clip in her hair and walks out in a black-fitting dress you can see every detail of her body, making Mattheo smirk.

"Did you get the food?"

Katerine said while slowly sitting on the bed.

He nodded and gave Katerine some food that he brought with him, fruit, chocolate, water, bread, toast, and a lot more. Katerine smiled softly looking at Mattheo and started eating quickly. He chuckles softly and eats a bit too, slightly nervous.

"It is gonna be alright love."

Katerine said softly smiling at him.

"I hope so, darling."

Mattheo said softly pulling her up.

"Put on your shoes and we will leave alright?"

She smiles and nods after Mattheo talks and puts her shoes on quickly to leave, still very nervous, not knowing what is about to happen.
Mattheo quickly did a spell over himself so he was dressed in a nice black suit and a black tie, quickly grabbing Katerine her hand interlocking their fingers.

"Hold onto tight, love."

Katerine gulps grabbing Mattheo his arm tightly, while he apparates both of them to the Malfoy manor, because the death eaters, and so the Riddles family and the Malfoy family lived together for a while.

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now